(32) 在 Albany, New York 寻找 男性.

我不用 Icebreaker 来跟别人联系。

Icebreaker 有助于跟我有兴趣的新会员联系。

关于 maraymanana





I'm Marissa <strong>referred</strong> Mari<br />
I Stand 5'3" Over The Earth, Weighing 100lbs <br />
<strong> I Want 2010 To Be Better Than 2009, Help Me?:] </strong> <br />
I'm Moving On With My Life, Trying To Be Successful<br />
"I've Made My Mistakes, But They Haven't Made Me"- Maxx Zacho<br />
I Shred At Afton Alps.......Go With Me Sometime?! <br />
Body Modifications - Bellybutton, Gauging at 0's..<br />
If You See Me Somewhere Be Sure To Come Up To Me :] <br />
I Like Meeting New People!! I Give <strong>Free</strong> Hugs <br />
I'm Not Afraid To Be Myself Anymore<br />
I'm Not Even Shy Anymore, I'm Outgoing Again!!<br />
I Can Be a Real Big Bitch, Or The Biggest Sweetheart <br />
I Love Getting Noticed, But I'm Not In Need Of Alot Of Attention<br />
I'm Really Not That High Maintenance<br />
!!Beware I Do Have Mood Swings!!<br />
You Go to The Cities For Drugs..<br />
While I Go to The Cities For Races :] <br />
I Am A DSM giiirl, & I'm Proud!!<br />
Music Is What Keeps Me Going<br />
I Guess I'm Pulchritudinous :D <br />
Camel Turkish Royals Are My Swag <br />
I Don't Toke; Havn't For Like a Year<br />
I Drink More Than a Girl Of My Size Should<br />
I'm Not The Same Girl I Was Last Year<br />
I Live to Please No One And/Or Live to Your Expectations<br />
I Can't Stand Discrimination, I Hate It<br />
If You Don't Know Me Personally,Who Are You to Judge Me?<br />
If You Don't Like Me Don't Lurk My Page <br />
If You Get to Know Me, I'm Not Half Bad(:<br />

maraymanana 正在找寻
