(42) 在 Chicago, Illinois 寻找 男性.

我用 Icebreaker 来跟别人联系。

Icebreaker 有助于跟我有兴趣的新会员联系。

关于 ababywills33





I am a girl with natural charisma great fine taste and a strong love of life. I'm grateful for everything I have. I never look into the past and I don't regret anything. From all the moments of my life, I have always learned from experience and lessons. I can draw the right conclusions. I always have only good and correct people around me. I am inspired by people with a lot of experience and knowledge. I love my job and put all my heart and soul into it. I respect my subordinates and don't offend them. In general, I have a very respectful attitude towards people. I adore my family and I know that these are people who will always support me and not leave me. I know that I miss a loved one in my life and that's why I'm here. I believe in pure true love and I know that I can love. I will make my beloved man the happiest in the world.

ababywills33 正在找寻
