(36) 在 New York, New York 寻找 男性.

我不用 Icebreaker 来跟别人联系。

Icebreaker 有助于跟我有兴趣的新会员联系。

关于 wildjane23





if you want to chat me just add me janetaylor 1/0/0 a/t y/a/h/u/u and i have f/a/c/e/b/o/o/k just search me Jane Taylor im waiting you

Hello everyone,im jane 22 years old my friends call me sweet i love to hang out,making new friends i love to explore anything..its really just about growing up and what im going through in my life right now what im experiencing, what im yet to experience,You know i get a lot of flack for what i wear and what i say and what dont say..but im not a little girl anymore and i guess i do those things because the way i feel inside.. and i also know that im a young lady and i have a lot to learn and a lot to experience and i guess what im trying to say is that the way i feel right now inside i feel so wonderful because im doing exactly what i love to do,,and im experiencing all of my wildest dream.. and my advice to all the people is to never ever loose your passion to dream.

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