男 (52) 在 Regina, Canada 寻找 女性, 男性, 情侣.
我用 Icebreaker 来跟别人联系。
Icebreaker 有助于跟我有兴趣的新会员联系。
关于 magicstick101
蒙眼罩, 绑缚与调教, 脚, 角色扮演, 剃得光光, 打屁股, 谈论色情, 玩具, 偷窥狂
Here's the truth. I have recently been fd'd over by a lady who I though loved me. I eventually want another relationship. She went to her home town a couple provinces away. I stay in regina. She told me it was to visit family. 4 more this later she is a totally different person. Is there being a total slut here I am holding off on everything thinking we are still a couple and she'll be home soon. 4 months later she's found another and isn't returning.
Guess what. I'm a little pussed. Now which one of u ladies wants a mad hard long fuck. If you get with me. You are going to need a day or two off work. I am going to fuck the hell out of you. Fill u with so much cum and fuck and fuck till your brain is no longer functional. I have very handsome some say big some say just right. What ever your decision is. It and I are taking few rounds out of ya. No relationship no drama very discreet if you want. Hurry cause I'm picky and very horny to get at it. Ask me what favorte position is. t will blow you and your clit mind.
Guess what. I'm a little pussed. Now which one of u ladies wants a mad hard long fuck. If you get with me. You are going to need a day or two off work. I am going to fuck the hell out of you. Fill u with so much cum and fuck and fuck till your brain is no longer functional. I have very handsome some say big some say just right. What ever your decision is. It and I are taking few rounds out of ya. No relationship no drama very discreet if you want. Hurry cause I'm picky and very horny to get at it. Ask me what favorte position is. t will blow you and your clit mind.
一对一的性交, 群体性交, 网络视频表演, 电话性爱, 互换照片和邮件, 三人性交
magicstick101 正在找寻
苗条, 一般, 运动员的身材, 胖嘟嘟, 有些赘肉, 高大、可爱
从不, 很少, 只在社交场合饮酒, 经常, 很经常, 正在戒酒, 已戒酒
高中, 一些高等教育, 目前是学生, 大专学历, 学士学位, 硕士学位, 博士/博士后, 生活就是我的学校
亚洲裔, 白种人/高加索人, 西班牙裔, 拉丁裔, 地中海裔, 中东裔, 混血儿
黑色, 蓝色, 棕色, 绿色, 灰色
Horny in my city and wants it asap
红褐色, 秃顶, 黑色, 金黄色, 棕色, 浅棕色, 红色, 白/灰色, 其它
140厘米 (4'7" 或以下, 141-150厘米 (4'8"-4'11", 151-160厘米 (5'0"-5'3", 161-170厘米 (5'4"-5'7", 171-180厘米 (5'8"-5'11", 181-190厘米 (6'0"-6'3", 191厘米 (6'4" 或以上
$10,000 或以下, $10,000-$30,000, $30,000-$50,000, $50,000-$70,000, $70,000-$100,000, $100,000-$150,000, $150,000-$500,000, 我很有钱
女性, 男性, 情侣
从不, 很少, 只在社交场合吸烟, 经常, 很经常, 在戒烟, 已戒烟