男 (49) 在 Cheney, Kansas 寻找 女性.
我不用 Icebreaker 来跟别人联系。
Icebreaker 有助于跟我有兴趣的新会员联系。
user4601681 的收藏夹
Long time now see there baby sexy (1 项目)
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Just talked to you and you said you were going to take a nap right wee are you go figure tell me another story not going to take (1 项目)
您必须成为 user4601681 的朋友才可查看此收藏夹。 -
You made me your friend okay so why are you doing this to me I know who you are cheating everything I have done for you baby why (1 项目)
您必须成为 user4601681 的朋友才可查看此收藏夹。 -
I am done with your games you just told ld me you were going to bed and I find you on her video chatting with another man go for (1 项目)
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You got off of there but not soon enough cause u am leaving you for good so don't even bother messaging me anymore it's over you (1 项目)
您必须成为 user4601681 的朋友才可查看此收藏夹。 -
You made me a friend and you do this to me chest in me go ahead I will delete everything out of my phone okay just keep doing it (1 项目)
您必须成为 user4601681 的朋友才可查看此收藏夹。 -
Sexy baby why don't you do my friends request baby sexy (1 项目)
您必须成为 user4601681 的朋友才可查看此收藏夹。 -
Thanks sir sexy for accepting my friends request when I get my profile turned on tomorrow I will message you first thing I want (1 项目)
您必须成为 user4601681 的朋友才可查看此收藏夹。 -
I said there sweetheart I know who you are I know who your sister is I went with your sister for a year (1 项目)
个人收藏夹 -
I said I will message you when I get my profile turned in just you and only you baby (1 项目)
个人收藏夹 -
You know what you look exactly like your sister I have been with her for a year know and you could pass for her okay (1 项目)
个人收藏夹 -
Sexy baby I get my profile turned on first thing in the morning so I will be talking to you (1 项目)
个人收藏夹 -
Thank you for accepting my friends request I will be able to talk to you in the morning when I get it turned back on sexy (1 项目)
个人收藏夹 -
Sorry I thought you did accept it my fault wish you would accept it from me (1 项目)