女 (50) 在 Hamtramck, Michigan 寻找 男性.
我用 Icebreaker 来跟别人联系。
Icebreaker 有助于跟我有兴趣的新会员联系。
Hello haven't been on in a minnn lookig 4 friend
I love to ride ,,,my mans Dick ,,,but I want a bigger ride,,am I wrong and he feels great in me ,,
DAWGFACE007: Push start chat
DAWGFACE007: You can ride my Dick
Babyboi89: U need to work it right baby
blkd4slut: I want to be inside of that pussy!
prespl1019: Now that just made my mouth water
Mentosj79: Wonderful
What do I do now
Bored out my mind
I'm so hot right now I need to meet New Friends ''but my time is so limited '''I cant I need a really BIG ONE thats a giver