女 (41) 在 London, United Kingdom 寻找 男性, 情侣.
我不用 Icebreaker 来跟别人联系。
Icebreaker 有助于跟我有兴趣的新会员联系。
fb friend
i have a friend on fb and known him from college and his single just lookin for friends with benifits etc nothin serious. i told him wat im after and he said he would do all my ideas with me. the problem is he dont have a pic of himself and i cant remember wat he looks like and dont want to ruin our friendship. wat do i do?? any surgestions??
i will only accept friend requests from men with men profile and british NOT FAKES
i want a secret bf who would love me and treat like a gf
why in the hell did i just thought of me kissinn and shaggin a gay guy maybe its a new fantacy jst popped in myy head i got nothin against gays or lesb coz i have a gay/lesb friend