苗条, 一般, 运动员的身材, 胖嘟嘟, 有些赘肉, 高大、可爱
从不, 很少, 只在社交场合饮酒, 经常, 很经常, 正在戒酒, 已戒酒
高中, 一些高等教育, 目前是学生, 大专学历, 学士学位, 硕士学位, 博士/博士后, 生活就是我的学校
非洲裔, 美籍非洲裔, 亚洲裔, 白种人/高加索人, 东印度裔, 西班牙裔, 印度裔, 拉丁裔, 地中海裔, 中东裔, 混血儿
I'm open to whoever. Must be okay with a jeans and t-shirt guy that always wears button fly 501 . I would like Somebody that totally gets off on sucking dick. The oldest female I've been with was 57. However, I would like to find somebody who is extremely kinky and open-minded that enjoys sucking dick who has no older than 50, But I don't know if that person exist on this line. As fetishes go I do like to hear a girl talk dirty while I please her I am also into ddlg and age play but that's not mandatory. I get off knowing that I'm getting you off. And I will get you off better if I know that you want to get me off and are willing to put forth the effort. I have not met somebody with a kink or a fetish that I was not willing to entertain as long as it would please them and they were willing to let me get them off to the best of my ability. If your too far away from me to meet up in person if you're into phone sex I will be sure to give everyone my number.
红褐色, 秃顶, 黑色, 金黄色, 棕色, 浅棕色, 红色, 白/灰色, 其它
$10,000 或以下, $10,000-$30,000, $30,000-$50,000, $50,000-$70,000, $70,000-$100,000, $100,000-$150,000, $150,000-$500,000, 我很有钱
基督复临, 不可知论, 无神论, 浸礼会, 佛教, 高台教, 天主教, 基督教, 印度教, 耆那教, 犹太教, 卫理公会教, 摩门教, 穆斯林教, 东正教, 圣洁会, 新教, 教友派, 科学论, 神道教, 锡克教, 精神论, 道教, 巫术, 异教徒, 其它
从不, 很少, 只在社交场合吸烟, 经常, 很经常, 在戒烟, 已戒烟