Omen35Damian Think is just a scam it get males to pay yellowdiamond: Oh true Make a female profile lol. 已成功发表评论。
Omen35Damian Yeah I know! I'm sure we are both missin out yellowdiamond: We are missing out I wonder why they do that. Lots of profiles tal about having to pay but I havent been asked for my credit card details or anything... 已成功发表评论。
Omen35Damian I used to be able to. They shut me off for sum reason yellowdiamond: That sucks! Makes it hard to chat 已成功发表评论。
Omen35Damian Expecially in the bedroom! yellowdiamond: Naww you have one of those accounts that wont let you reply 已成功发表评论。
Omen35Damian Gotta love a thunder storm! yellowdiamond: Tonights weather reminds me of Darwin. Hot sweaty and wet 已成功发表评论。