LittleStevie715LittleStevie 近期在线

(39) 在 Bowler, Wisconsin 寻找 女性.

我用 Icebreaker 来跟别人联系。

Icebreaker 有助于跟我有兴趣的新会员联系。

I have 5 days left before my subscription is up n I yet had one Lady or anyone messaged me to verify that this app is a real thing
Just hanging out with my wang out

This web site is fake

I'm really starting to think that this web page site is all fake there ain't a real personal out here and it's really starting to … me off because I spent money for this


Ice breakers

It's funny when I don't have a subscription to this. I get messages one after another but I'm not able to read the message and I can't send any messages but then I get a subscription to this site and I never get a message again
