Badrobot146Andy Wow! Lots of interest from the Us and Oz Girls Where are all the Local Girls?.. disappointed 已成功发表评论。
Badrobot146Andy Back from the Twilight Zone Badrobot146: Very quiet this side of the Pond??? Cum on Girls...............Where are all the local ladies then??? 已成功发表评论。
Badrobot146Andy Had enough Choccie this weekend, need sumthin a bit sweeter any girls wanna help me out here? 已成功发表评论。
Badrobot146Andy Ok, guess most of you girls are religious.........? Badrobot146: Still worshiping the Easter Bunny? She was good to meeeeeeeee............Pant, Gasp, Oedipal explitive.......... 已成功发表评论。