lagordamasfea 的博客
Masturbation is a sexual secret which isn’t really a secret at all.
Whether or not they acknowledge or
talk about it, partners often assume the other sometimes masturbates.
However, masturbation can be denied or compulsively hidden if one or both
partners feel it is some sort of betrayal. Or they may worry that there is
something wrong if their partner
masturbates, believing that they should only be fulfilled by sex with each other.
The difference between masturbation
and partner sex, however,
is like the difference between a
snack and a banquet.
Masturbation may be comforting or
help you to relax,
or it may deal with intense moments of arousal;
what it doesn’t usually do is provide the sense of occasion,
connection or achievement which may
be associated with lovemaking.
A negative attitude towards
masturbation sometimes develops
when someone has been in trouble for
touching themselves as …
actively told that it is wrong or
However, even when they have no
memories at all associated with
masturbation or self-touch,
many people still feel guilty about it.
Fortunately, improved sex education
should convince future generations
that masturbation is a natural way to
experiment and learn about your body
in ways that can also be very helpful
to partners.
As an occasional or daily practice,
it can be relaxing and can cause no
harm to yourself or anyone else.
Some couples masturbate together;
this can be both arousing and help
you show each other how you enjoy
being touched.