greyking852 的博客



Well thats annoying

so apparently i sign up and it claims that my transaction was … and even though i follow the directions the support team provided there is no way to "verify my account" so there are going to steal from me and then sue me because there … are broken

  • NTSex675: Mate happen tome it's a scram report and block them
  • dontpanicimorganic: call up … directlyand ask if you are … with them..the messages are usually from sme hacker trying to get your info by refilling your details them directly and inquire..some real fuckery going on and targetting sp newbies..went through 8 hours of this fake front scam.. before i called to have them tell me all those messages are from some one masquerading as fuckbook be careful..luckly they dont have their shit tootight together.. iimmediately cancelled visa to be safe and got new one..and complained to fuckbook..however fuckbook seems quite nonchalantyabout this sunin youus targetting and scamming bombartdment of newbies
  • greyking852: good to know. also are allot of the people on here computers or something. a whole slew of people sent me the Exact same message