female (34) from Darlington, Wisconsin looking for male.
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About Kendra_Brooke
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About Me
*I don't regret what i have done in the past, I regret what I didn't do. Your Best friend becomes your worst enemy Lollipops turn into ciggerttes.The innocent ones Turn into Sluts.Homework goes in the trash Mobile phones used in class.Detention besomes Suspention. Soda becomes Vodka.Undies turn into G strings Kisses turn into SEX.Remeber when getting high ment playing On the playground?When prot
ection ment wearing a helment. When the worst thing you can get from boys were cooties. Dads shoulders were the highest place on earth && mom was you Hero. Your worst enimies were your siblings.Race issues were about who ran the fastest? War was only a card game?The only drug you knew of was cough medicine. Wearing a skirt didn't make you a slut.The only thing that hurt you was skinned knees.And good byes only ment till tommorw? And we couldn't wait to grow up!
ection ment wearing a helment. When the worst thing you can get from boys were cooties. Dads shoulders were the highest place on earth && mom was you Hero. Your worst enimies were your siblings.Race issues were about who ran the fastest? War was only a card game?The only drug you knew of was cough medicine. Wearing a skirt didn't make you a slut.The only thing that hurt you was skinned knees.And good byes only ment till tommorw? And we couldn't wait to grow up!
Kendra_Brooke is Looking For
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