female (57) from Youngstown, Ohio looking for male.
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About Siraia
Bronze, Silver and Gold Crowns
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You can avoid having your reputation damaged by interacting with other profiles in a polite and respectful manner, using your profile honestly and ensuring you don’t break any of the site conduct rules.
Body Type
Big and lovely
White / Caucasian
Eye Color
Bondage and discipline, Feet, Role-playing, Voyeurism
About Me
Private are sucking, riding black or white cock play. Exc 1 on 1 Role&Race play, BBC or BWC & Special Fetishes. I also have socks, gloves, heels, gum, oil, paddle and ball gag to use during shows. Burp shows welcome. Phone in both sessions! You choose!
Sucking dick, riding your hard cock. Roleplays. Raceplay. SPH Sissy bitch fuckin and dirty filthy talkin as i pummel my hot wet pussy with your hot hard cock.Exotic Foot teasing. Deep throating and making a mess all over.
Turn Ons:
Watching you stroke C2C, Hot hard Black Cocks, Hot hard White cocks both ooozing and dripping cum till you explode. Suckin and tasting your juicy jizz as it leaks out for me. Riding your hard cock. nasty dirty talk.Role/Raceplays. fucking sissyboys in ass
Sucking dick, riding your hard cock. Roleplays. Raceplay. SPH Sissy bitch fuckin and dirty filthy talkin as i pummel my hot wet pussy with your hot hard cock.Exotic Foot teasing. Deep throating and making a mess all over.
Turn Ons:
Watching you stroke C2C, Hot hard Black Cocks, Hot hard White cocks both ooozing and dripping cum till you explode. Suckin and tasting your juicy jizz as it leaks out for me. Riding your hard cock. nasty dirty talk.Role/Raceplays. fucking sissyboys in ass
Hair Color
4'7" (140cm) or below
Siraia is Looking For
About my Match
Watching you stroke C2C, Hot hard Black Cocks, Hot hard White cocks both ooozing and dripping cum till you explode. Suckin and tasting your juicy jizz as it leaks out for me. Riding your hard cock. nasty dirty talk.Role/Raceplays. fucking sissyboys in ass
I'm looking for