female (48) from Sherwood, Wisconsin looking for male.

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Icebreaker helps with contacting the new members that I'm interested in.

About farmgirl69

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Body Type
Big and lovely
White / Caucasian
Eye Color
About Me
I aim to please and a few of my favorite things to do are play with my toys while I wear my sexiest lingerie. Nothing like a corset and thigh high stockings. I also love to be nude and anal.

I am skilled in the art of fellatio and I pride myself in making men melt in my mouth as well as my hands. I am great at everything I do and I will show you a good time with all my toys and put them anywhere you want me to.

Turn Ons:
My biggest turn ons include being touched in my favorite places. I love pleasing as much as I love being pleased. I pride myself in great fellatio and I love my talent of squirting when I cum. wearing my most revealing lingerie really turns me on.
Hair Color
4'7" (140cm) or below

farmgirl69 is Looking For

About my Match
My biggest turn ons include being touched in my favorite places. I love pleasing as much as I love being pleased. I pride myself in great fellatio and I love my talent of squirting when I cum. wearing my most revealing lingerie really turns me on.
I'm looking for