Kvinna (38) från Salem, Virginia söker Man.

Jag använder inte Icebreaker för att komma i kontakt med andra.

Icebreaker hjälper till att komma i kontakt med nya medlemmar som jag är intresserad av.

Om charmedgrl3

Vad är Karma?

Brons, silver och guldkronor

Kronorna i medlemsprofilerna återspeglar anseende och uppförande på plattformen. Dessa utdelas naturligt genom ett aktivt medlemskap, bidrag genom bloggar, kommentarer, statusar och bilder; samt anseendepoäng som ges eller dras av beroende på hur andra medlemmar samverkar med din profil och dess innehåll.

Du kan undvika att skada ditt anseende genom att interagera trevligt och respektfullt med andra profiler, använda din profil med ärligt uppsåt och att inte bryta mot några av webbplatsens uppföranderegler.

Vit / Kaukasisk
Om mig
My name is Ariele, which by the way I hate my name for so many reasons. I have 2 nicknames they are AAA, & Arlie but I'm only called that at work lol. I'm 5 ft.7, I weigh 124 lbs., I have naturally curly hair which I hate, & I have hazel eyes. I have just recently lost my grandfather that meant the world to me, & who I loved very much to lung cancer. He passed away May 29th of 2007 at 11:44am on Tuesday mornin, & I will never forget that day cuz I was to late if I had just got there sooner. Grandpa u will always be apart of me, & I'll love u always. But I know three things that I got from him 1)his additude 2)his love for music his artistic ability. I work at kroger it's not the best job but it'll do for now until I find somethin better. I've got 6 tattoo's right now, but there's soon to be more trust me. I can't help myself there to addicting once u get 1 u can't quit. But to be honest I can be wild, crazy, & I'm very outgoing b/c I speak what's on my mind. So the way I see it is if u don't like it well then that's to damn bad. I'm a very nice person once you get to know me, or unless u get on my bad side then that's a whole different story. All my friends will tell ya I joke around alot, but once u do somethin that really … me off then there's no shuttin me up. So I'm just sayin whatever u do don't … me off cuz it's not a very pretty sight when I am. Everyone has a favorite animal mine is a wolf. I just wish I could have 1 to call my very own, but unfortanently their a wild animal so I can't. But they are very beautiful animals. Most of all things I enjoy spending time with my bf Stan aka Lido he's so sweet to me. He always seems to go out of his way to surprise me at work, & I love that alot it lights up my day. He's not like any of my exs he cares alot about me, but yet he loves me for who I am. I never dreamed that I would find someone so fast, but I'm very glad I did cuz he makes me so happy. I couldn't imagine lookin for someone else when I already have the one for me, I love him so much. Other then that I'm usually hangin out w/my friends goin to the mall, or the movies, & etc. But over all my family is important to me as well I couldn't forget them. But that's enough about me I wanna know about u?.
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