Kvinna (41) från Orem, Utah söker Kvinna, Man.

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Om LolaPeacock

Vad är Karma?

Brons, silver och guldkronor

Kronorna i medlemsprofilerna återspeglar anseende och uppförande på plattformen. Dessa utdelas naturligt genom ett aktivt medlemskap, bidrag genom bloggar, kommentarer, statusar och bilder; samt anseendepoäng som ges eller dras av beroende på hur andra medlemmar samverkar med din profil och dess innehåll.

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Hur ofta dricker du
Vit / Kaukasisk
Stor kuk, Bondage och S&M, Höga klackar, Rollspel, Spanking, Snuskigt snack, Tatueringar, Sexleksaker
Om mig
Shy until I feel safe enough to open up.
Married, mother - and I don't plan on cheating - just looking for a possible girl to join a one time thing.
I have a respected job as a nurse.
I love shoes.
I have 7 tattoo's
And I think if you use your hand to give a blow job - that first off, you suck at sucking dick, and second off, it's cheating. The point is to use your mouth to give pleasure to the cock, so if you can't get it far enough down your throat that you have to use your hands - you might as well let the guy just jerk off, cause he can do that himself. Deep throat is key. Switching it up and using the hand for a break - okay. Not to do the whole/majority of the time. And the tip must not be ignored. That's why you have a tongue to swirl around it. AND if you are going to give a hand job - try doing the whole reverse hand job thing - cause again the guy can jerk himself off, but he can't do that to himself.

Never be dumb enough to believe a girl 'came' if she isn't soaking wet. If she isn't wet, she isn't aroused. (Unless there is a medical thing, but really, she's bored and wants you off her.)

I don't tolerate people that don't treat me the way i want to be treated, and it's obvious if I have a problem with anyone.

I have one pretty fail safe way (for men) to tell if they are with a woman worth a damn. (theres always exceptions but for the most part...) If a woman has kids and she doesn't have custody of them - don't walk away RUN THE FUCK AWAY AS FAST AS YOU CAN. Even if she has like 3 kids and one is with her - RUN. What it says is "I'M SELFISH." If she doesn't have custody of her kids, it's cause her priorites are all fucked up. Either the father knows it, or the kids old enough to see it and asked to move in with the father. I mean your kids are (should be) your life. Be first, before you, before anyone and anything - and if she has weekends or even less (Maybe due to living far) It's because she gives a shit about one thing and one thing only - HERSELF. You can tell this even further by clues in her lifestyle - clothes, shoes, … boob job, hair, make up - I mean especially if she has a … mean I have 2 and I only have time to get myself all done up if its like date night. Just a clue if you want more than sex, cause that's all you will get - and she will most likely go to great lengths in order to feel "wanted" or "Needed" by you. This is insecurity (even though she may act confident or brag/complain about unwanted attention) and it's about control - knowing you are one phone call/text away if she wants or needs anything. And I don't think any self respecting man wants to get caught up in some boy toy game just to get laid by someone who has probably been exposed to 1000s of people going by that sex partner chart they show you in high school.
152-160 cm
200 000 - 350 000 kr
Gemensamma intressen
Camping, Äta ute
På sidan för
Skoj online
Sexuella intressen
Charlie Rae
Föredrar att inte säga

LolaPeacock söker efter

Standard, Atletisk, Stor och kraftig, Några extra kilon
Vit / Kaukasisk
Om mina Matchningar
possible one time threesome. I'm young, married young. Met my husband when I was 17. We dated/saw others for the first like 2 years, then moved in together, then got married...and I was 20 at that point. So...not a real chance to explore any of that.

I'm not really into the idea of sharing my husband too much. I guess I'd just have to be in the moment and see how I felt. But no mouth kissing - open to a double BJ, but I kinda want to have more to do with the girl -

doesn't have to be perfect. Rather not be - we are all flawed, and that's totally fine. But I have to think the person is attaractive, clean, STD free (testing within last 6 months - I have been tested within that time)
Jag söker
Kvinna, Man