Man (36) från Lagos, Nigeria söker Kvinna.

Jag använder inte Icebreaker för att komma i kontakt med andra.

Icebreaker hjälper till att komma i kontakt med nya medlemmar som jag är intresserad av.

Om Ucheseano247

Vad är Karma?

Brons, silver och guldkronor

Kronorna i medlemsprofilerna återspeglar anseende och uppförande på plattformen. Dessa utdelas naturligt genom ett aktivt medlemskap, bidrag genom bloggar, kommentarer, statusar och bilder; samt anseendepoäng som ges eller dras av beroende på hur andra medlemmar samverkar med din profil och dess innehåll.

Du kan undvika att skada ditt anseende genom att interagera trevligt och respektfullt med andra profiler, använda din profil med ärligt uppsåt och att inte bryta mot några av webbplatsens uppföranderegler.

Om mig
Hello dear,
I beg you read this letter attentively as I have put my soul and my heart in it. I decided to write it to you as I hope there is something invisible yet between us but it may appear as a strong attraction and anxious feelings in the future. I’m always brave enough to do a first step as it can possibly change life of two people who search for something special and important in life.
I’m young, energetic, elegant and tactful … Someone may say I’m perfect while looking at me or my pictures. But it’s more important for me to know that a person say more about my inner being, about my soul, individual characteristics. I need to feel someone shares with me and don’t throw words into the air.
Life is so beautiful … but also it’s not eternal. As every lady I dream to find my true love. How it would be great to bestow a smile to my beloved one in the morning and make him feel cheerful and energetic to the end of day … How it would be great to feel his strong body caring me upstairs to our little cute bedroom. .. And how it would be nice to hear sweet “I love you honey” before we fall asleep … I would like to know if you would like to have those moments in your life?
I tend to self-improvement and spiritual growth. I’m fond of dances and sport. An active move is what makes my body stronger and my mood inspired! I’m curious, smart, witty and tender. Would you accept those things? I’m fond of dancing and it has become a part of my life! Would you dance with me?
I really want to know your attitudes to foreign ladies and your thoughts about possible relationship.
Have a pleasant day and catch a smile from a nice lady

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