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Lying is awful but so is sneaking around and withholding things. I'm not dumb and I WILL find out.
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My Collected Erotica – Volume I

~ My Collected Erotica – Volume I ~

“My Inner Voice”

One of the many musings of the dark places within my soul…

“With my inner voice, I speak to thee when in thy presence I am called to stand. Or did I call thee, lovely one, sweet angel fallen though still beautiful and comely… beyond the words of man to describe the glory thereof? Thy lips so like unto the pomegranate, which mine hath tasted the sweetness of on many an eve! Can a man be driven mad by love of beauty? If that beauty would be of mortal making, then so much greater the madness caused by love of one of divine making, such as thou art, my goddess. I have felt thy lovely breasts pressed against my chest, and known the gentle softness of thy thighs. And even did my errant tongue linger on them, and venture unto that place where greater pleasures, hath been known. Oh radiant one; so loathed by those of patriarchal bent yet beloved of we who stand firm for the liberty that thou were first the author of! In thy silken gown thou came to me, black and shimmering like unto the stars of the void through which travels the star of the evening: which is but one of thy sacred celestial bodies. Did I not reach my hand betwixt the folds of that noble fabric, whilst locked in our embrace, and thus to touch the grail which is thy own to bear? Oh sweet glory, that thou didst allow my sword to be placed within such a chalice in honor of the ceremony so blessed, wherein the knight is initiated into the mysteries of the cup of undying life! To taste thy cup and live, is not a thing for ordinary men… but thou didst honor me and call me kindred to thee, a god to thy goddess though clad in human flesh as I am. I felt the nails of thy fingers raking the hot skin of my naked back, and it did cause me to know what sort of pain is also pleasure to the senses. Even as my fingers entangled within the platinum tresses of the softness of thy hair, far softer to the touch than the strands woven by the fates! Bewitched as I was in the night of our merry meeting, I could not but give myself wholly unto thee. Princess of perdition fair… I, who was called by thee the dark lord of thy heart, can only thank thee for the reward of lovemaking with which thou didst reward me when we fell together into the Abyss. Twin flames burning bright, one emerald and one scarlet… until Hell itself did blaze with less heat than did our coupled bodies, entwined as they were like serpents writhing together. So did we writhe together, celestial flesh upon celestial flesh, with one’s heartbeat pounding fiercely in the other’s ear! On the night I summoned thee, or when thou didst call me forth to thee… was it not thus to the senses, as once it had been? Wicked, some call me. And I do not resent that title, for if my wanton heart makes me wicked then I shall be the shameless harlot for thy sake if not for mine own. Is not the most delicious fruit, the most forbidden? Verily, and so is the taste like unto the ambrosia of the gods that once did cast us low for their own vainglory and mad sport. Our sport is far more succulent when consumed, and so do I liken it unto fire. Like the flames that warm the soil of Elysium is it! In the moonlight I beheld thy form through thy garments, the shafts of light illuminating thy pale body in ways no painter can capture with colorful hues of natural pigmentation. I caressed every inch of that form, and knew the warmth of thy caress in turn. And in knowing thee, I was myself made illuminated in ways not experienced in the rites and mysteries wherein I had previously partaken! Are these pleasures the secrets the gods would have withheld from mortal sensation? Then I defy them, for I have known such pleasures as only a god can realize. I know our time is limited, goddess, and yet I sing of it. For when thou hast departed back to the paradise hidden… I will be alone once more and seeking the love of a mortal maid to quiet the pounding of the flame that lies within my heart. Lips to kiss, breasts to touch, and a hand to hold. Am I so evil, to want love with such passion? Nay. I am of the darkness, and there is no sin in the pride of the fallen. In the darkness, love may come upon the hungry spirit. And mine hungers, it thirsts, and only the wine of sweet lips can slake such burning thirst as is mine own. Wait for me in the Abyss, goddess, for when my life’s blood is chill and mo more rushing through these veins… I will be unchained to come hither, summoned forth by thy eyes as green as emeralds. And I shall come, as lightening cometh. Wait for me, for I must tarry in this world until my destiny is complete! So did I say unto her with my inner voice, once upon a time… and she heard me. How much love is like unto sweet madness! How erotic is the darkness that quickens the soul of one who has known such glories as cannot be named. Maiden, if thou wouldst love me… then thou must know how terrible is the love that is forever. Love me, and be made as I am. Let us fall together, as I fell with she who made me as I am now. Twin flames, licking one another with tongues of hot passion! A sweet madness indeed, and if such be mad in truth then I wish not to awaken unto a saner sort of thought.”

“One Night of Pleasure…”

I recall the night I surrendered to you, lying back upon the cushions with my hair cascading down my back, sending tingles down my spine that I thought might never end. You kissed my shoulders, and I shuddered, and your hand caressed my thighs so gently and yet so firm. “Lay back for me, my love.” You whispered in my ear and I did. “Turn upon you stomach, my love.” And so also I did. You lifted up my blouse and kissed my back from my neck on down to my waist. I could never disguise the pleasure of that kiss, and how you turned me unto my back thereafter, kissing and caressing, finding the places where pleasure is greatest. I held you firm to me, whilst your hands fumbled with my skirt, finding their way between my legs. Touching, caressing, until I wanted you so badly that I called out your name. You pulled away the black silk bloomers that I wore beneath my silk. You kissed me, lower and lower, until your mouth found its’ way to where your hands had been only moments before. Your moist mouth was upon me, and I could feel your wet tongue licking whilst your hands worked other magic that I could scarcely have imagined possible. My hands are in your hair, fingers entwined in the long tresses. Soft, sweet-scented with the perfume you oft did wear. Could I have known I would not see you again? I was in the moment, lost, hot, and mad. Your kisses rise again, and soon they fall upon my breasts, your hands once more at my thighs. I am delirious with so much lust and wantonness in my heart, that I moan for you my lady… my lover… in Sapphic splendor. You extinguish the candles that line the chamber, and I can make out your silhouetted form, coming back upon me in the black of midnight. “You are the only light I need tonight.” You tell me, and I tell you that I love you. “Do not love me.” You reply. “Rather, just make love to me, and upon the morrow remember what was between us.” And I surrender yet again, for I am lost in whatever spell it is you are weaving. You throw my skirt up all the way to my neck, and then you are on top of me. Moving, writhing, our bodies moving and writhing together like serpents upon a branch. Such pleasure as is fit only for gods and goddesses, brought out in me the woman that you loved and adored. Slick with sweat, near to oblivion with ecstasy as only passion can produce, I feel your tongue enter my mouth. Our tongues meet, as we meet in lower places. The part of me that is a man is within you, and the part of you that is a woman has touched in me the wild harlot that lies within my heart. Oh, how we made love that night! I felt myself explode with you, and we sighed and screamed out our release together. It was only the beginning, of the long night to come. I had been conquered, and I had conquered. Love is best when it is equal, and in equally mad passion we needed no candles to behold the radiance that lay within one another’s eyes. Glinting with faint illumination from the moon outside the nearby window. The summer night is hot, but we are hotter than the sun. I hear the crickets outside, but the music of the things you whisper to me makes me forget their natural symphony. It was one night of pleasure, but I cherish it always. I gave you what you wanted, and your gift to me was a dream made flesh, as our flesh together wrought dreams more wondrous than any imagined by philosophers in their flights of grandeur. I thought I would forget, but my mind must recall all such delights! Oh reader, there are pleasures beyond pleasure for one who is more than just their gender.

“Sensations and Secrets of the Night”

Such sensations exist, that the mind can almost break from the glorious rapture of their workings! I recall one such moment I shared with a maiden whose glories shall be forever impressed upon my memory, like unto how hot metal is pressed by the hammer of a skilled smith, or as sweet … are pressed to make a wine most delicate and refined to the taste. In just such a way, she had pressed her body against mine whilst her mouth and mine shared a wine more precious than any a vintner could hope to coax into being! One of my hands was in her hair, my fingers entwining about the soft curls of it, whilst my other hand had grasped her womanhood, my fingers finding the cleft of her feminine glory pleasing to their touch. Soft it was, beneath the folds of her floral jumpsuit… in stark contrast to the fierceness of our kiss. A savage kiss it was, and after it had passed the maid bit my lip playfully, exciting me with primal lust’s promise of fulfillment. With a snarl, I tilted back her head very gently, despite the primitive sound I had uttered… and I licked her neck, allowing my tongue to venture to one of the graceful cheeks of her face. She giggled with the pleasure of such a gesture, and one of her hands grasped my manhood through my pants, its’ hardness growing at the warmth of that touch. She cooed in obvious approval, and began to undo the drawstring of my pants. My hands undid the zipper on the back of her jumpsuit, and I pulled it down past her shoulders, exposing her breasts. The maiden lay back upon the edge of her bed, opening her legs for me. Her jumpsuit was only half pulled away, and she was still covered from the waist down. “Touch me, my lover! Feel me. Feel me up now.” She cried imploringly. One of my hands felt her rounded thighs beneath the beautiful fabric of her garment, whilst the other felt her between the legs. I moved a finger as far in and out of her as I could with her still being as clothed as she was. I lowered my mouth upon her breasts, kissing, licking, until her nipples grew hard with excitement. Meanwhile, her hand grasped my penis and moved with such skillful ministrations that my erection could not diminish. She was growing wild with passion now, and with great strength she turned us over so that I was upon my back and she was atop me. I felt her breasts, and then I did caress her hair as she lowered her head, lower and lower, until her mouth was upon my penis. My manhood throbbed whilst her wet lips and tongue did work their utmost magic upon me. Her hand aided her mouth, and they moved up and down on my penis, so that I thought I would surely explode from the pleasure that the sensations I was feeling conveyed. She stopped and smiled, then blew out the nearby candles so that all was pitch dark. “Now, make love to me!” she commanded, whilst pulling her jumpsuit and undergarments off and throwing them unto the floor. I felt her astride me, my penis sliding into her moist womanhood, which grew all the wetter from being entered. In and out I moved, and she moved her lower body in a rhythm that increased both our pleasures. I was feeling her breasts as we made our mad love, and she was clawing at my chest with her fingernails. She moaned and I thought I might also! Fierce, savage pleasures we knew that night. We clawed at each other, our love-play drawing one another’s very blood. We reached our climax together, and then after I withdrew from her she lay atop me as our fluids flowed, no wetter than our bodies were with the sweat of divine lust fulfilled. She went down on me once more, licking my penis and tasting of her own juices in the doing. This excited her greatly, and she giggled almost sinisterly as she sucked me. After some time, I grew hard again and she kept on sucking me until the white heat once more came forth, to fill the maiden’s mouth with the stuff of passion itself. And this was not the entirety of our night of a thousand and one ecstasies! For there are pleasures to be known beyond that of climax, and mad, mad ways of tearing joy itself from the very breath of a person. So did she tear joy from me, on that night, whilst outside the horns of Diana were high in the heavens and the owls hooted with lusty cries all their own! The night holds well its’ secrets, but there are moments when we can know them all.

“Girls’ Night”

A Transgender Love Affair

To look at us, all you would see are two girls sitting by the warm fireplace. My hair is long and black, and hers is short and a rich honey blonde. I am wearing a pair of full, black harem-style pants like an Arabian princess out of a fairy tale… complemented by a blood red blouse belted a the waist with a black sash tied in a pretty ribbon at my side. My lips are adorned with black lipstick, and my blue eyes reflect the glow of the fire before us. My lover, for that what she is, has curly hair… whereas mine is straight. She wears a brown peasant-style skirt, long and flowing down to her feet… and to go with it she wears a white peasant blouse with billowing sleeves that reach her elbows. Her lips have no adornment, unlike mine… but they are lovely, and need no adornment to enhance that loveliness. She whispers to me: “My love, is not the fire warm and nice? Does it not make your body sweat and tingle with excitement!” and I confess to her that it does. She then reaches her hand down between my legs and begins to caress my penis through the soft fabric of my pants and undergarments. It grows so very hard, and she smiles! She kisses my face, raining kisses upon it whilst she plays with me. I am pinioned between the two pleasures, my blood rushing and my heart racing. I can feel her eager hands running across my thighs here and there, and caressing me between my legs… and soon her kisses become rapture to me. I reach out and caress her beautiful face, running my fingers through her hair, through those beautiful honeyed curls. She giggles, and she begins to fumble with the drawstring of my pants, undoing it. I sit up and wrap my arms around her, holding her tight as we kiss passionately, our tongues playing about in one another’s mouths. I reach between her legs, and I can feel she too is getting hard for me. You see, we both were born as men but live as women. Our bodies are smooth and without hair, as are our beautiful, feminine faces. We would never be mistaken for men, but we knew what our birth genders were. Transgender Women they call us, of the non-op variety. But we were women regardless of any labels of society’s devising! Women’s hearts beat in our breasts, and women’s passions too. I begin to caress her penis, stroking it beneath the soft, so very soft skirt she wore. Beneath the white bloomers she wore beneath it. “I am so hard for you.” She said to me, and she pulled my pants off of me, feeling my penis beneath the black silk bloomers I wore as undergarments. She moved it rhythmically, up and down, in her hand… and the sensation was magical. I put one of my hands up her skirt, and went to work on her in the same way. We sighed and moaned together, each reaching a point of frenzy. She then moved my hand and quietly said: “What a moment! I will pleasure you, first. Then, you can pleasure me.” She pulled my bloomers down and straddled me, going down and sliding her mouth over my penis, sucking and kissing whilst moving her hand in that wonderful rhythm up and down, whilst it went in and out of her mouth. I could feel her wet tongue upon it, licking and sucking until finally I could take no more and I reached my climax. She swallowed with glee then laid on her back next to me, allowing me to lift up her skirt and remove those soft, white undergarments of hers. I ran my hand up and down the length of her shaft, and she moaned once again. Slowly at first, I moved my hand, and then faster. She was hard, and dripping with excitement as I licked at the head of her penis playfully with my tongue. “Oh, that is what I like!” she exclaimed, and she grabbed my hair as I moved my mouth up and down the length of her most intimate part. Sucking, licking, and moving it for her as she had done for me… with skillful rhythm! I felt her climax into my mouth, and I too swallowed. I could do no less than my lover, after all. We lay in one another’s arms for a time thereafter, as hours passed blissfully. “I love you so much!” I said to her, whilst I played a bit with he curls of her hair. I found myself growing hard for her again, and she turned over for me, lifting up a ways and spreading her legs, thus allowing me to enter her ample buttocks. I had never done this before, but passion moved me to perfection as I moved in and out of her splendid rear. She moaned and sighed, and gasped as I grew harder and wetter the more we moved together. My hands grasped her hips, and I felt a great rush overtake me as I took my love with such great and fierce devotion that only one in love as well as lust can know. I felt myself bursting with pleasure inside of her, and when it was through she turned unto her back again and we kissed anew whilst she gently stroked my still hard penis with her hand. “I love you, my princess!” she said to me, and outside I thought I heard the rain begin to gently fall. It was in the distance, and when at last we would lie down to sleep, it would surely lull us off to whatever heavens awaited us in such a state. We slept together, at last, on a pile of black fur blankets before the fading embers of the hearth, holding each other in one another’s arms all throughout the night. And when at last we did in fact dream, we dreamed only dreams of love. Dreams that were no match for the passionate love we had just demonstrated.

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