мужчина (57) из Atlanta, Georgia ищу женщину, мужчину, пару.

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Icebreaker помогает связаться с новыми пользователями, которые меня заинтересовали.

О forplay11_1177

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Бронзовая, Серебряная и Золотая Короны

Корона на анкете пользователя отражает его репутацию и поведение на сайте. Короны зарабатываются автоматически, благодаря активному членству, размещению сообщений в блоге, комментариев, статусов и фотографий. Одновременно с этим добавляются или снимаются репутационные баллы, в зависимости от того, как пользователь ведет себя и какой контент размещает у себя на страничке.

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О себе
I love passionate wet uninhibited sex and love different roles with different partners. I dont have a real list of dos and donts....except I don't do extreme pain or … play....if those are your things go get em tiger. I'm been in a number of different sexual situations and frankly I've never been a group play or gangbang kind of person. For me 3 is perfect and 4 is the limit....But one on one is just fine. l have a married male lover - top and very oral and passionate....I fit him like a glove. But Covid got him and he seldom cn get out of his house and come to my condo where we fuck. its been months since we were able to get together after work. I don't have a steady girlfriend currently but my last one loved the MFM dynamic and loved to watch me be fucked. I ve been in several of those type ongoing situations over the years where all three got together - me as the boyfriend or the 3rd. I'm not going to go into specifics but I'd rather please than bePpleased. And I'll put my mouth anywhere - I'm attracted to a wide variety of peope - women and men - but romantically I've always preferred women. I've been DIVORCED over 10 years and co-parent a middleschooler but I do have some time to myself aynd can host.. want to know more? just ask, I'm an open book.

forplay11_1177 ищет

Я ищу
женщину, мужчину, пару