мужчина (43) из Etobicoke, Canada ищу женщину.

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О KK10197

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Бронзовая, Серебряная и Золотая Короны

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За компанию
Средняя школа
Белый / Кавказец
Цвет глаз
О себе
I am a construction industry tradesman self-employed through a co-found/co-owned company. I am a single man whom directed focus, continuously working hard at improving his trade skills and abilities throughout the past decade. I will admit, I have focused little and have not worked hard within the committed companion department throughout the same period. Fact is, I have found throughout my lifetime I have developed insecurities within and about myself when it involves that subject. It has been a lifetime trend of myself giving all to an intimate interest and concluding with me wondering if I'll ever be blessed with a wife … Simply, they either just don't want me or their not as immediately decisive as I am to having a committed relationship together. Fact: I'm a 38 year old, natural good guy that has always wanted to share a good life and if option given have and … with a good woman. I don't expect nor want perfection, "where's the excitement in that, and I'm obviously no where near perfect", I don't care what: degree of education, occupation, income/assets, tattoo's/piercings, … size of breasts/ass, or scars, that an intimate companion of interest may have. I am 100% decisive and actionable in committing to share and give my life to a good woman. I will love you instinctively and brake my back to give the best life I can. I will be passionate and show passion to you several times per day, I will warmly hold and hug you consistently, I'll wipe away your tears and be equally involved with any bad matters, times of fear and/or sadness you may have. It is important to know I instinctively want to take care of my companion, its comes natural for me to put the food on the table, pay for outings, support a home and family, "call me old fashion, but I still heartfelt feel it's the right way for me to be", though I am not a dictator, nor against or objective of more equality forms in such matters, I thought it best for you to know that true nature, likely to stand-out part of me. Now you might be asking yourself "Why, I choose this site?" Well honestly, I am a member of several sites and I figured why not, I'm looking for a good compatible woman and I enjoy expressing high amounts of intimacy. So if your up to taking me off the market, contact me.
Цвет волос
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Self employed, general contractor
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Выбранное имя
Mr. Lonely
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KK10197 ищет

Стройная, Стандартная, Спортивная, Несколько лишних килограмм
Я ищу