Стройная, Стандартная, Спортивная, Мускулистая, Несколько лишних килограмм
Никогда, Редко, За компанию
Средняя школа, Неоконченное высшее, В настоящее время студент, Среднее специальное, Степень бакалавра, Степень магистра, Кандидат / доктор наук, Школа жизни
Азиат, Белый / Кавказец, Латиноамериканец, Индиец, Латино, Средиземное море, Средний Восток
Цвет глаз
Черный, Синий, Коричневый, Зеленый, Серый
О моем партнере
Here's my wishlist. A good match for me is a woman who has as many as possible (some are must-haves but many are not) of these things:
-Knows what she wants and isn't afraid to ask,
-Is not a gold digger or scammer,
-Is an animal lover (dogs and cats),
-Says what she means and means what she says,
-Has a healthy libido,
-Entertains the notion of having kids (if still … age),
-Likes to laugh and enjoys dirty jokes,
-Is able to laugh at herself as easily as others,
-Enjoys the performing arts and live music,
-Is willing to turn off her country, hip hop, heavy metal, or rap music when I'm around (if she's into any of those),
-Likes to have sex often both indoors and out,
-Likes to travel, but does not expect expensive travel by air,
-Is willing to pick up a check if she has the wherewithal,
-Has dimples on her cheeks and/or lower back
-Takes care of herself and reasonably manages her weight (BMI less than 30),
-Is subtle and discreet.
-Has strong kegel muscles.
-Is DDF.
-Is not a … or nutcase.
Цвет волос
Темно-рыжий, Черный, Блондин(ка), Коричневый, Темно-русый, Красный, Белый / Седой
141-150см, 151-160см, 161-170см, 171-180см, 181-190см
$30,000-$50,000, $50,000-$70,000, $70,000-$100,000, $100,000-$150,000, $150,000-$500,000, Я очень богат(а)
Атеист, Баптист, Буддист, Христианин, Иудей, Методист, Протестант, Синто, Верующий