
мужчина (51) из El Paso, Texas ищу женщину.

Я не пользуюсь Icebreaker для того, чтобы связаться с людьми.

Icebreaker помогает связаться с новыми пользователями, которые меня заинтересовали.

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Only for the $$$

When I was just scrolling the site. I kept getting msg after msg from the same group of about 6 girls. I fought the urge to join because I thought 100 was a little much. But what the hell, right; this is fuckbook we are talking about. So I joined. BAM! 6 friend requests, and about 30 messages. I responded to them. If for nothing else I didn't want to be rude. BULL SHIT! Not one of them responded back after I paid up. Now I have had a couple conversations since, but one must wade through the fake ass posters to find the occasional girl that actually breathes. Oh, and shocker of shockers: Not one girl yet is really interested in FUCKING.

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