Блог user3465572



hang out tonight

When I was wondering is anybody going to be around tonight in Denver and feel like hanging out maybe f****** and sucking a little that or just talking I don't know but I know I'm horny I know that much if you care to join me please let me know

  • user3465572: Really nobody wanted to take my offer you don't know what you don't want to know what I'm thinking about all year big Denver rights maybe you're all transplants and he's not even a real native like a couple of these guys claim to be our girls I don't give a f*** who not trying to be insulting but this is pretty but that if you think about it y'all on here for one thing to be f***** and to get f***** straight up
  • guygreene333380: That's right
  • user3465572: What kind of comment is that that's right you want to take me up on my off
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