Блог orangepeelsmile11



Me Pt. 13

"Oh thank god" He panted.

I thought I almost lost you. "How are you baby? You doing okay?"

He looked fucking amazing. He looked just like me only instead of his short wavy messy hair much like what I wish I had on planet earth. His hair was shoulder length, rainbow, and blowing. Why it was blowing I do not know. Weren't we in space? It certainly looked like space. The garden would change over time. As if I was sitting on a small patch of land which occasionally would quickly flash into an entire planet. What planet could be so beautiful but keep disipearing on me? I didn't care though. Either way the garden was beautiful.

"I'm great! I knew you'd come. how are you? you look amazing!"

"He really did. His skin was pitch black just like mine and just like me every hair on his body was a different intriquite sparkling color. his eyes. Those eyes of his. No pupils. I would say they where glazed over. But they werent. They truley peirced on this planet. They where bright white like the heavens had somehow settles for space that laid around his eyes.

God I was so in love with him.

"I knew you where magic.." He softly spoke..

"You where just too beautiful not to be."

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