Блог Teachme1990



A true love

true love is when you talk to each other like best friends right off the bat. True love is that warm feeling you get in your stomach when you talk to that person. true love is all about having the same morals, the same interests. true love is about understanding each others flaws and talking about each other's biggest fears together. true love is accepting those flaws and still looking past them because you love that person. true love is being able to hold that person and shed tears over that person. to feel like you truly understand how they feel about their tough pasts like they are your own. true love is waiting for that person, because just having one night stands isn't the true path to happiness. true love is all about giving everything to that person. to hold them when they are feeling sad or frustrated, to cuddle and tell them how much you love them. i have waited 24 years for her, and i have found her. i will wait for her forever. because that is true love

  • Teachme1990: love is complicated and not for certain. but what do i know? i am just a male hopeless romantic haha
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