bărbat (40) din Sterling Heights, Michigan caută femeie.

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Despre procuninlingus

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Coroane de bronz, argint și aur

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Tipul corpului
Origine etnică
Albă / Caucaziană
Despre mine
Hi there! I could describe exactly what type of woman I'm looking for, but chemistry cannot be put into words right? I can say that I tend to gravitate toward more mature women (40+) but that's not by rule... if you're horny tonight and want some truly skilled oral sex tonight message me please...

I'm 5' 9", 170 lbs (muscular with an athletic build), dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. I used to work for Abercrombie and Fitch and I guess I still kind of have that look. I'm not cocky or arrogant though, I'm down to earth, self-aware, and witty.

As for the arrangement: I love all kinds of sex but my particular "fetish" is giving oral. I enjoy it most times more than actual penetration, getting "head", or anything else that makes me cum. I love observing the way a woman behaves when I touch a certain part of her body a certain way. The sighs, the heavy breathing, the light moans, as well as the involuntary motion of her body in response to my tongue, pushing the hips up toward my mouth, trying to hump the air while I cover her belly with warm open mouth kisses. I pay close attention to which movements she responds to and fine tune my technique to her responses. And I'm always sure to take my time. I make it my goal to make you sigh, moan, and gyrate your hips long before I ever touch your clit with even the lightest brush of my lips.

I absolutely love the female body and I am in my element when I have a partner who loves to lay back and let me excite every nerve ending between the tip of her chin and her knee caps. I love, for example, to suck with significant pressure on the inside of the thighs, moving slowly up toward the vee of her panties. I love kissing all around the outline of her panties, gently pulling down the elastic with one finger as I dart my tongue underneath and taste more of your ever softening skin. I love seeing the dark spot on her panties as the more I kiss and play the more she soaks through the thin material. I love the moment when finally I pull the elastic at her thigh just enough to see the slight bulge where her swollen outer lips waiting in delight to be gently sucked into my mouth and stretched apart, giving me my first glimpse of the slippery pink skin I'm about to feel hot against my chin. I can almost smell the aroma of your pussy right now as I think about doing this, especially towards the end when I determine it's time to suck your clit into my mouth and grind my tongue against it, letting it lightly brush my front teeth as I suck and prod it with my tongue. 10 seconds later you're squeezing my head like a vice with your thighs as you cry out and let the orgasm take you over completely. I can only hope that you're one who gets wet enough to soak my face and send juices streaming down your thighs to the sheets beneath. If you're up for it, I can quickly right myself over you while you're stilll contracting and press the tip of my swollen cock against your opening, pushing just hard enough for the inch or so I go inside to be completely hugged by your spasming muscles. Then you could cry out again as I work myself inside you an inch at a time, feeling your slippery walls contracting against me in protest until I'm buried right up to the hilt and I'm so far inside your body it feels like you have to pee. From there you could let me know what you're in the mood for, turning around and sitting down on my stiff cock or taking a little breather and putting my cock in your mouth, doing what you do best until I finally gasp and shoot wave after wave of hot cum all over your tits and neck.

Again, I digress. Forgive me, I didn't even know it was possible to be as horny as I am right now. I would love to be making you cum on me over and over, feeling your hot cum run down my chin, my thighs, all over me. I want to smell like your pussy when we're done . Let me know if that sounds good to you!
E aici pentru
Sex fără obligații, Relație discretă, Distracție online
Interese sexuale
Sex în doi, Sex prin telefon, Schimb de poze și e-mailuri

procuninlingus caută
