bărbat (35) din Orem, Utah caută femeie.
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Despre dlarios0358
Coroane de bronz, argint și aur
Coroanele de pe profilurile membrilor reflectă reputația lor și comportamentul lor pe platformă. Pot fi câștigate organic prin activități de membru activ, contribuind prin postări pe blog, comentarii, statusuri și poze; și, de asemenea, prin puncte de reputație câștigate sau pierdute în funcție de cum interacționează alți membri cu profilul tău și conținutul acestuia.
Poți evita ca reputația ta să sufere dacă interacționezi cu celelalte profiluri în mod politicos și respectuos, dacă îți folosești profilul în mod cinstit și dacă ai grijă să nu încalci niciuna dintre regulile de comportament ale site-ului.
Tipul corpului
La ocazii
Îmi urmez studiile
Origine etnică
Culoarea ochilor
Sânii mari, Picioarele, Jocuri cu roluri, Rase și netede, Bătaia la fund, Vorbitul murdar, Sexul tantric, Tatuajele
Despre mine
(The Soul That Danced On Earth)
"For whom it may matter?" A man with his matters. The matter of knowing, understanding to standing on these grounds of life. May we praise, may we glorify, to satisfy our Christ. The "Crest of our Family" or is it only ours to hold as human beings. Being at a state of being, ones whole, because all thoughts are whole and clear. May it matter if their clear elsewhere, no because they are here within me and only for me. They live in me and believe in me. Theirs no grieve back from my thoughts because the chaos, I dismiss whenever it is that I so want. "What is want?" Is when people don't want something to leave because they believe that's all they have. "What is have?" When the have, is not in us. "What is in us?" When in us, is just a heart and bones that sustain us. "What is sustain to the body?" The brain that maintains it so it has its "will" to choose when it's happy, joy, mad, and sad with all sorts of other emotions. "What is emotions?" Is when the soul, moves in motions that could never be understood by a man on earth, that never has an emotion that moves the body in such way, that brings life to the soul. "What is soul?" Its the dream of all sentient man on earth. When solely understanding your soul and it sings to you to bring dreams that become real because truly understanding the soul is truly not dreaming, it's leaving the body and everything else to be dancing in your true body. "That is, your soul and whole." When you understand it to be the wholesome of life, your soul is alive. "The live of the body."
This poem writen by muah the best baby lol
"For whom it may matter?" A man with his matters. The matter of knowing, understanding to standing on these grounds of life. May we praise, may we glorify, to satisfy our Christ. The "Crest of our Family" or is it only ours to hold as human beings. Being at a state of being, ones whole, because all thoughts are whole and clear. May it matter if their clear elsewhere, no because they are here within me and only for me. They live in me and believe in me. Theirs no grieve back from my thoughts because the chaos, I dismiss whenever it is that I so want. "What is want?" Is when people don't want something to leave because they believe that's all they have. "What is have?" When the have, is not in us. "What is in us?" When in us, is just a heart and bones that sustain us. "What is sustain to the body?" The brain that maintains it so it has its "will" to choose when it's happy, joy, mad, and sad with all sorts of other emotions. "What is emotions?" Is when the soul, moves in motions that could never be understood by a man on earth, that never has an emotion that moves the body in such way, that brings life to the soul. "What is soul?" Its the dream of all sentient man on earth. When solely understanding your soul and it sings to you to bring dreams that become real because truly understanding the soul is truly not dreaming, it's leaving the body and everything else to be dancing in your true body. "That is, your soul and whole." When you understand it to be the wholesome of life, your soul is alive. "The live of the body."
This poem writen by muah the best baby lol
Culoarea părului
173-180 cm
Interese comune
Socializare pentru afaceri, Cărți/Discuții, Drumeții, Gătit, Ieșiri la restaurant, Pescuit/Vânătoare, Grădinărit/Amenajări, Cluburi de noapte/Dans, Spectacole, Activități sportive, Politică
Limbi străine
Engleză, Italiană, Portugheză, Spaniolă
E aici pentru
Sex fără obligații, Sexting, Prietenie, Relație discretă, Iubire
Interese sexuale
Sex în doi, Sex în trei
dlarios0358 caută