femeie (36) din Laurel, Mississippi caută femeie.

Nu folosesc Icebreaker ca să intru în legătură cu alții.

Icebreaker mă ajută să contactez noi membri care mă interesează.

Despre hotalison

Ce este Karma?

Coroane de bronz, argint și aur

Coroanele de pe profilurile membrilor reflectă reputația lor și comportamentul lor pe platformă. Pot fi câștigate organic prin activități de membru activ, contribuind prin postări pe blog, comentarii, statusuri și poze; și, de asemenea, prin puncte de reputație câștigate sau pierdute în funcție de cum interacționează alți membri cu profilul tău și conținutul acestuia.

Poți evita ca reputația ta să sufere dacă interacționezi cu celelalte profiluri în mod politicos și respectuos, dacă îți folosești profilul în mod cinstit și dacă ai grijă să nu încalci niciuna dintre regulile de comportament ale site-ului.

Despre mine
I'm twenty one years old! and I'm from LA
I have many Blondy moments but It doesn’t mean I'm dumb
and I have these baby blue eyes...
That you can get lost in
but sometimes they turn green; depending on my mood
I absolutely love shopping!
especially if I have coupons!!!
I have the best friend ever! don't be jealous!
I'm very random! I like to do random things at random times!!
I am super friendly and easygoing
and I love to travel! I want to see everywhere before I die
and I love the water! Especially The Ocean
I love to Laugh!! It’s my favorite!!
And I Love Country Music!!!
And I love to Dance All Night...
As well as party till the morning light
I like to drink with my friends cause they've the best!
I am always up for a good Conversation
I will talk your ear off if you'll let me
but I'm also a very good listener
and one of the loyalist friends you could have
I'm always thinking of others before myself
I'm not your average girl
I do and say things that even I don't understand sometimes
but that's part of me being me

hotalison caută

Despre persoana potrivită
Someone who drives me crazy but I'm crazy about both at the same time,
but besides that nearly impossible objective.. a little bit of this a little bit of that.
whatever! I'm up for it.

"Find the one who calls you hot instead of beautiful, who calls you back when you hang up on them,
who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep...
wait for the one who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats,
who holds your hand in front of their friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on.
One who is constantly reminding you of how much they care and how luck they are to have you..
The one who turns to their friend and says, "that's her." add me up alison.resse att y5hoo dat cumm text me if u are busy at the moment ->> (225) 255-1769