cuplu (40) din Fayetteville, North Carolina caută femeie.

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Despre snapdragon269

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Coroane de bronz, argint și aur

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Poți evita ca reputația ta să sufere dacă interacționezi cu celelalte profiluri în mod politicos și respectuos, dacă îți folosești profilul în mod cinstit și dacă ai grijă să nu încalci niciuna dintre regulile de comportament ale site-ului.

Tipul corpului
Origine etnică
Albă / Caucaziană
Culoarea ochilor
Penisurile mari, Sânii mari, Tocurile înalte, Rase și netede, Bătaia la fund, Vorbitul murdar, Jucăriile
Despre mine
Ok to put it all out there in the beginning… Him and I have been together for a year….he has never had a threesome…I am bisexual….i have been with females and males….i love both!! He is amazing at sex and everything he does….i was very confident in my pussy licking skills until I met him…..he just might have been a lesbian in another life….he is about 8 ½” long and thick I cannot wrap my hand all the way around his hard cock….he makes me want to scream every time we are together….i want to see the look on another woman’s face as he thrusts that cock in her….i am also into anal sex….if you are not that is ok….i only have one rule….everything goes when we are together but he is mine for eternity….i get his heart….you and I both get to use his mouth, hands and cock together….i would love to surprise him with you….when we get back we are going to be having a lot of parties at our house….it would be great to have you show up and hang out a little but then we take him into the bedroom and blow his mind….and cock….he is a shy person….i pursued him….but once you get him to open up he is an animal….i want to see that in him….i also like it rough….i am getting him used to it and opening up a little bit more to the idea……what are some things that you are into? I don’t want this to be just all about him and I but you as well….we will be in fayetteville until march of next year….then we move where the army says to….if all goes well the first night, I don’t see why we cannot enjoy time together until we leave… what do you think? him and I are both clean shaven as well…..hmmm I am horny just thinking about it….also, we have some catching up to do….we are not allowed to have sex while we are here either….since we deployed in september, we have had sex 5 times….the army sucks! So what are your go’s and no go’s…..any fantasies we can help fulfill? Interests? I am eager to find out…..we have more pics to share and will be visiting the following areas when we get back as well: Blackwood, NJ....Battle Creek, MI and Tampa, FL
Culoarea părului
152-160 cm
Interese comune
Cărți/Discuții, Drumeții, Gătit, Ieșiri la restaurant, Pescuit/Vânătoare, Grădinărit/Amenajări, Activități sportive
Limbi străine
E aici pentru
Sex fără obligații
Interese sexuale
Schimb de poze și e-mailuri, Sex în trei

snapdragon269 caută
