bărbat (45) din Vancouver, Canada caută femeie, cuplu.

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Despre createdbysex

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Coroane de bronz, argint și aur

Coroanele de pe profilurile membrilor reflectă reputația lor și comportamentul lor pe platformă. Pot fi câștigate organic prin activități de membru activ, contribuind prin postări pe blog, comentarii, statusuri și poze; și, de asemenea, prin puncte de reputație câștigate sau pierdute în funcție de cum interacționează alți membri cu profilul tău și conținutul acestuia.

Poți evita ca reputația ta să sufere dacă interacționezi cu celelalte profiluri în mod politicos și respectuos, dacă îți folosești profilul în mod cinstit și dacă ai grijă să nu încalci niciuna dintre regulile de comportament ale site-ului.

Tipul corpului
Origine etnică
Albă / Caucaziană
Culoarea ochilor
Sânii mari, Legăturile la ochi, Bondage și disciplină, Picioarele, Distracția cu mâncare, Rase și netede, Bătaia la fund, Vorbitul murdar, Sexul tantric, Jucăriile, Voyerismul
Despre mine
Not subbed. I don't have any kids and until recently never had any plans for them. But as I find myself getting older, and with a large percentage of the available dating pool looking to have kids. I may be open to them. But this is a very difficult topic for me. Ask for more details.

Prefer monogamous but may entertain non-monogamous/poly relationship under the right circumstances but strongly prefer monogamous (Ask me for details). Looking for a compatible life partner in the Vancouver area but I might be convinced to move to another country.

I have a passport and may be willing to move almost anywhere but convincing me you are worth it over digital communication channels would be a hard sell. I need to spend enough time with you in person before making that decision.

Have a goofy nerdy side but don't let it out often. Don't really laugh out loud too often but get why it's funny. Sex positive attitude. Soft spoken. Patient. Good listener. Punctual. Actions over words. Humble. Disciplined. Very quiet. Independent. Contemplative. Not overly ambitious. Goal oriented. Clean. Detail oriented. Very Introverted. Reclusive. Very rarely a music listener. Positive outlook on the future with the right bit of skepticism. Fiscally conservative. I've had people say they think I may have Asperger's, and the description does seem to fit. test rates me as ISTJ-A. I will hold your hand when we walk if your into that sort of thing. I'm very quiet person and often prefer non verbal communication in the form of a gesture or touch. Send a msg to createdbyx at that well known search engine email address and mention the site you saw my profile on.
Culoarea părului
183-191 cm
Interese comune
Drumeții, Grădinărit/Amenajări
Limbi străine
E aici pentru
Sex fără obligații, Întâlniri, Relație discretă, Iubire, Conținut produs de amatori, Ca să învăț și să îi învăț pe alții
Interese sexuale
Sex în doi, Sex în grup, Schimb de poze și e-mailuri, Sex în trei

createdbysex caută

Tipul corpului
Zvelt, Normal, Atletic, Lucrat la sală, Câteva kilograme în plus
Deloc, Rar, La ocazii
Despre persoana potrivită
Preferably a stable income. Preferably atheist but open to other mumbo jumbo nonsense ala religions/spirituality. Non political preferred.

Is not a cognitive lemming. Can and does frequently pay attention to the bigger picture in terms of world events, and educate themselves. A critical thinker. Good bullshit detector. Someone principled that will stand there ground when they believe in something. Proactive not reactionary.

Not to big in the weight/waistline department and also not to skinny, but depends.

Someone looking to live a nice quiet simple life or at least respect my desire to do so. Able to enjoy quiet stillness. Patient. Introspective. Apolitical. Direct. Good Listener. Humble. Disciplined. Independent. Open minded. Down to earth. Reasonably clean & tidy. Contemplative. Physically affectionate and likes to cuddle. Mentally and emotionally grounded. Preferably looking for a life partner to grow old with.

Understanding and accepting of differences of opinions. Not controlling or quick to anger. Not into drama. Is willing to understand and probe my mind. Push me when I need to be pushed. Give me space and leave me to myself when I need it.

Someone who knows building a life together takes work, has it's ups and downs, that passion can come and go, but is willing and has the temperament, foresight and understanding to work through them.

Looking for someone dedicated to be in it for the long haul. Someone I can come home to. Someone who strives to calmly discuss and work through conflicts and not just at a surface level. A partner that is able and willing to deep dive into each others minds playing the role of psychologist trying to get to the root of a problem or source of conflict weather it be an individual, the relationship itself or some other issue that needs addressing.
femeie, cuplu
Deloc, Încerc să mă las, M-am lăsat