femeie (36) din Australia, Philippines caută bărbat.
Nu folosesc Icebreaker ca să intru în legătură cu alții.
Icebreaker mă ajută să contactez noi membri care mă interesează.
Despre kuguigiu
Coroane de bronz, argint și aur
Coroanele de pe profilurile membrilor reflectă reputația lor și comportamentul lor pe platformă. Pot fi câștigate organic prin activități de membru activ, contribuind prin postări pe blog, comentarii, statusuri și poze; și, de asemenea, prin puncte de reputație câștigate sau pierdute în funcție de cum interacționează alți membri cu profilul tău și conținutul acestuia.
Poți evita ca reputația ta să sufere dacă interacționezi cu celelalte profiluri în mod politicos și respectuos, dacă îți folosești profilul în mod cinstit și dacă ai grijă să nu încalci niciuna dintre regulile de comportament ale site-ului.
Despre mine
I'm julian, 25 years of age, a part time model,
a lovely daughter and a friend. I am a strong women,
I know how to fight for my rights, I don't want to be
hurt by the people around me, I'll fight for what I believe is true, but despite of being a strong women I still know how to accept my mistakes. Okay, enough introducing myself as a strong women, I'm also the girl of your dreams, maybe...
As a sweet friend, I really don't want to see a sad and
problematic friend, as long as I could help, I will help, I don't want to regret someday that I lose a friend just because I wasn't able to help him/her, I just want to live my life to the fullest, I want to try and do everything that can make me happy, in short i just want to be happy...
I really wish that someone who can make me really happy will arrive really soon...
Note: If you able to read my small introduction of myself, I really thank you for doing that... kisses and licks! mwah!
if youwant to chat add me ok /./her is my yahoo ,id ,.,julian_67890@yahoo.com
a lovely daughter and a friend. I am a strong women,
I know how to fight for my rights, I don't want to be
hurt by the people around me, I'll fight for what I believe is true, but despite of being a strong women I still know how to accept my mistakes. Okay, enough introducing myself as a strong women, I'm also the girl of your dreams, maybe...
As a sweet friend, I really don't want to see a sad and
problematic friend, as long as I could help, I will help, I don't want to regret someday that I lose a friend just because I wasn't able to help him/her, I just want to live my life to the fullest, I want to try and do everything that can make me happy, in short i just want to be happy...
I really wish that someone who can make me really happy will arrive really soon...
Note: If you able to read my small introduction of myself, I really thank you for doing that... kisses and licks! mwah!
if youwant to chat add me ok /./her is my yahoo ,id ,.,julian_67890@yahoo.com
kuguigiu caută