femeie (51) din Cape Town, South Africa caută femeie, bărbat, cuplu.

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Despre NaughtyT

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Tipul corpului
La ocazii
Studii superioare
Origine etnică
Albă / Caucaziană
Culoarea ochilor
Despre mine
Hi to all:

Lady, bi-female, husband, straight male: We have been in the swinging scene for over Nine years (selective - full swap). We have a very strong sexual/loving relationship with no issues and therefore we are looking for other playmates alike. We do enjoy the company of couples, single ladies and single gents. We are an Up market couple, very clean, discreet, fun loving, sexy and sexual.

We are both fairly attractive, and would like to meet other attractive playmates. We would like to chat and meet for drinks first and take it from there. We are willing to supply photos on request, but ask for full frontal photos in return (dressed or undressed). Please do not send us genitals in the face photos, for that does not say much! We like flirting and teasing to be part of our swinging evening. We also like couples with a great sense of humor.

We love socializing (Entertaining), traveling, and meeting new people.
With the right company we are lots of fun to be with. We are both very naughty and joke and tease a lot and strive to make everybody feel comfortable with us. (In general we are a great couple..lol!).

Do not let us frighten you, we are nice people with no hangups and issues. We have been married for more than 12 years and still going strong. We all know what swinging is about and what wonderfull times people can have.
Looking forward to your company! Drop us a mail!
Culoarea părului
163-170 cm
Interese comune
Socializare pentru afaceri, Pescuit/Vânătoare
Limbi străine
Engleză, Alta
E aici pentru
Sex fără obligații
Interese sexuale
Sex în grup, Sex în trei
Relație deschisă

NaughtyT caută

femeie, bărbat, cuplu