bărbat (47) din Ogden, Utah caută femeie.

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Icebreaker mă ajută să contactez noi membri care mă interesează.

Despre Wally130

Ce este Karma?

Coroane de bronz, argint și aur

Coroanele de pe profilurile membrilor reflectă reputația lor și comportamentul lor pe platformă. Pot fi câștigate organic prin activități de membru activ, contribuind prin postări pe blog, comentarii, statusuri și poze; și, de asemenea, prin puncte de reputație câștigate sau pierdute în funcție de cum interacționează alți membri cu profilul tău și conținutul acestuia.

Poți evita ca reputația ta să sufere dacă interacționezi cu celelalte profiluri în mod politicos și respectuos, dacă îți folosești profilul în mod cinstit și dacă ai grijă să nu încalci niciuna dintre regulile de comportament ale site-ului.

Tipul corpului
La ocazii
Diplomă de licență
Culoarea ochilor
Sânii mari, Tocurile înalte, Jocuri cu roluri, Bătaia la fund, Vorbitul murdar, Tatuajele
Despre mine
I'm a very tall, handsome, confident, man,
with a muscular build, who has black hair,
and brown eyes. I am also gentle, kind, and friendly.
I'm here to hook-up, and meet a hot, horny, kinky, white
girl/woman, that loves to have SEX!!!, just as much as I do!, ( Just looking to have some good, clean, sucking on big tits!!!, pussy!!!, and for you to get fucked in your hot female, ass!!!, it is okay, if you don't want to lose your virginity, I will be okay with that, as long, as I can eat your pussy out!!!),
as well as to receive and give oral sex!!!, just like I do, and is
as passionate about anal sex!!!, as I am as well!!!!, and she
must not be afraid to get down on her knees, and pull, and suck
on, my big, hard, hairy, long, throbbing cock!!!, with your hands, and
for me to shoot, my hot, steamy, sperm, all over your pretty face!!!, and big tits!!!
if you like what you have read, and heard, by all means, respond right
away!!!, but you must be within the local area, of Ogden, Utah. I will make exceptions if your from Salt Lake City, Utah. Please be
serious about meeting in person!!!, don't waste my time or yours, okay, ladies!!!, and be clean, and drug, and disease free like me!, and you must be 18-33 years old, no exceptions!!! ( If you are older than me, I will get together with you, only if your hot!!!) I don't like girls who smoke, or drink regularly to get … I totally dislike that!!! (I'm looking for White girls/womten only!!!, right now first choice!, Blondes, preferably!, but hot brunettes, and redheads are welcome as well!!!)
My e-mail address is waltern130@yahoo.com, where you can yahoo instant message me!. if their is anything you want to ask me, and you liked everything you have read and heard to get together just for fun, hurry and respond back right away!!!
Culoarea părului
193 cm sau peste
10.000$ sau mai puțin
Interese comune
Socializare pentru afaceri, Cărți/Discuții, Ieșiri la restaurant, Cluburi de noapte/Dans, Spectacole, Activități sportive, Politică
Limbi străine
Engleză, Franceză, Germană, Italiană, Spaniolă
E aici pentru
Sex fără obligații, Întâlniri, Prietenie, Relație discretă, Iubire
Interese sexuale
Sex în doi, Sex în trei
Singur/ă, Relație deschisă

Wally130 caută

Tipul corpului
Zvelt, Atletic
Deloc, La ocazii
Diplomă de licență
Origine etnică
Albă / Caucaziană
Culoarea ochilor
Despre persoana potrivită
I'm looking for a hot, horny, kinky white girl!!! Preferably and specifically white blondes!!! from my local area, in or around Perth Amboy, New Jersey/New York area!!!
I preffer blondes, because I just love them!!!, it's true that ( Blondes Have More Fun!!!),
I know because I have been with them only, whether they be white or latina!!!, I just love blones, the most!!!, then redheads, second since they are unique, and then brunettes! But I prefer that you be tall like me! ( 6.4 1/2 ft.) but you don't have too! What I'm really looking for is that what you must have is BIG TITS!!!, ( preferably starting from 34, 36, or 38 DD's!!!) and a nice, firm, tight, round, ass!!!, and love both hot oral, and anal sexf!!!, just like I do!!! You must be at least 18-33yrs. old, my age!!!, and you are not afraid, if your shy that's okay, but at least be determined, to get down on your knees, and let me fuck you hard in the ass!!!, for some hot, anal, pounding, sex!!!, that I'm going to give you!!!, and then let me cum all over your pretty face!!!, after I turn you around!!!, and then giving me a good blow job!!! (It's okay, if you don't want to lose your virginity, but just want to give and receive oral and anal sex!!!, is fine with me!!!) I have a fetish for anal sex!!!, and I want to give it to a hot, pretty, sexy, and cute girl, and or woman, on this website! So, if you like what you have just read!, or what you hear!, By all means reply back to me!, immediately!, so we can make plans to get together!!! So, i If you are serious in meeting only!!! here is my e-mail address which is waltern130@yahoo.com, and my phone number is 1(732) 822-9905.
Culoarea părului
142-150 cm, 152-160 cm
10.000-30.000$, 50.000-70.000$, 70.000-100.000$, 100.000-150.000$, 150.000-500.000$, Ok, am avere MARE