bărbat (34) din Oconto Falls, Wisconsin caută femeie.
Nu folosesc Icebreaker ca să intru în legătură cu alții.
Icebreaker mă ajută să contactez noi membri care mă interesează.
Despre mc_the1
Coroane de bronz, argint și aur
Coroanele de pe profilurile membrilor reflectă reputația lor și comportamentul lor pe platformă. Pot fi câștigate organic prin activități de membru activ, contribuind prin postări pe blog, comentarii, statusuri și poze; și, de asemenea, prin puncte de reputație câștigate sau pierdute în funcție de cum interacționează alți membri cu profilul tău și conținutul acestuia.
Poți evita ca reputația ta să sufere dacă interacționezi cu celelalte profiluri în mod politicos și respectuos, dacă îți folosești profilul în mod cinstit și dacă ai grijă să nu încalci niciuna dintre regulile de comportament ale site-ului.
Tipul corpului
Origine etnică
Albă / Caucaziană
Despre mine
I appreciate many beautiful woman, but I prefer petite woman smaller, natural, shaped tits, nice ass, pretty face. I like my pussy's shaved, but runway is accepted on the right woman. I'm very sexual, I can do a quicky, but it's highly unlikely as I like to fuck for hours. Oral sex is a must for both partners as I like giving as much as receiving. Well, perhaps I like receiving a little more. I like many different positions, so the girl I'm looking for must be able to keep up! Most importantly the girl must be loyal, trustworthy, and non-judgemental. I also have a fetish for a brilliant smile, I like anal, and I don't mind girls who like to include other beautiful girls. I like the outdoors as well as the city, so girls that are adaptable. I like clean girls to, as far as the body goes and the house. Messes in the bed are accepted, lol. I like girls that share a sense of humor like my own, that are righteous, and kind, but also strong and able to stand on their own two feet.
E aici pentru
Sex fără obligații
Interese sexuale
Sex în doi
mc_the1 caută
Ceva facultate
Despre persoana potrivită
I appreciate many beautiful woman, but I prefer petite woman smaller, natural, shaped tits, nice ass, pretty face. I like my pussy's shaved, but runway is accepted on the right woman. I'm very sexual, I can do a quicky, but it's highly unlikely as I like to fuck for hours. Oral sex is a must for both partners as I like giving as much as receiving. Well, perhaps I like receiving a little more. I like many different positions, so the girl I'm looking for must be able to keep up (anal is a must as well)! Most importantly the girl must be loyal, trustworthy, and non-judgemental. I also have a fetish for a brilliant smile, I like anal, and I don't mind girls who like to include other beautiful girls. I like the outdoors as well as the city, so girls that are adaptable. I like clean girls to, as far as the body goes and the house. Messes in the bed are accepted, lol. I like girls that share a sense of humor like my own, that are righteous, and kind, but also strong and able to stand on there own two feet.
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