bărbat (64) din Kenton, United Kingdom caută femeie, cuplu.

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Icebreaker mă ajută să contactez noi membri care mă interesează.

Despre pradeep57

Ce este Karma?

Coroane de bronz, argint și aur

Coroanele de pe profilurile membrilor reflectă reputația lor și comportamentul lor pe platformă. Pot fi câștigate organic prin activități de membru activ, contribuind prin postări pe blog, comentarii, statusuri și poze; și, de asemenea, prin puncte de reputație câștigate sau pierdute în funcție de cum interacționează alți membri cu profilul tău și conținutul acestuia.

Poți evita ca reputația ta să sufere dacă interacționezi cu celelalte profiluri în mod politicos și respectuos, dacă îți folosești profilul în mod cinstit și dacă ai grijă să nu încalci niciuna dintre regulile de comportament ale site-ului.

Tipul corpului
Câteva kilograme în plus
La ocazii
Ceva facultate
Origine etnică
Culoarea ochilor
Sânii mari, Legăturile la ochi, Picioarele, Distracția cu mâncare, Păroasele, Tocurile înalte, Latexul, Jocuri cu roluri, Rase și netede, Vorbitul murdar, Sexul tantric, Jucăriile
Despre mine
Presently. I am a free member of this site. In case u waana get in touch for a informal chatting, friendship, or may be straight for a date, contact me.
I am looking out for a regular fuckbuddy. About me: Romantic, sexohic, with elongated mushroom with veins visible on it. Loads and loads of spanking if interested in mouth, boobs. Licking, lubricating moistening / services available. Attractive, handsome & young at heart. 54 Yrs., with Stylish hair, Masculine Fragrance & Black Eyes. Little more, I am a tea totaler … Hate Drugs and Disease Free; Cigarettes are injurious to my health!!! Yes, some dancing, little Flirting, Dating, Modelling, Clubbing & Pubbing (with soft drinks or juices) are my weakness. I do go for dates with nature, jogging, cycling, on beaches. I love music on the rocks. I love dancing on the rocks. I am not a serious guy but just a caring, good sense of humour; assure you of my decent companionship. I fancy females who seek friendships with me without any relationships and just for fun. Most of my mates would say I have a easy-going personality. I like the pub and club scene. I prefer to party lots when I'm involved in sexual liaisons. I like my partners to tell me what to do in bed. In the bedroom, I tend to like to do kinky, experimental sex. Some of my favourite positions are 69, doggy style. I prefer one-on-one sex, but wouldn't mind trying MFF. MMF or women / men watching. I'm definitely not up for trying some light bondage or blindfolds. When it comes to exercise, I work out about 3 to 4 times per week and expect my sex partners to be at about the same fitness level but my partner’s fitness level is not important to me.
In case, you have a passion for sexual exploration and filthy f**king... I want us to be lovers... teasing and pleasing... fulfilling each other’s' fantasies... enjoying safe oral sex. You pose provocatively on the bed, cuddling in the sofa, your beautiful new red satin corset clasping your waist tightly, your encased breasts rise and fall with each breath, as you eagerly anticipate what is to come...
My eyes travel along your body to take in the amazing sight before me, my gaze wandering from your eyes to your lips, your cleavage to your clinched waist, and further down, past your suspenders and black fishnet stockings down to your feet, encased in black, buckled PVC heels... I come up from between your thighs and you see that my lips are glistening with your juices... I lean forward to kiss you, and you moan in pleasure as you taste yourself on my lips... mmmmm! My Fantasy:
May be on the sandy beach… Running and playing all nude… massaging our bodies… rolling on each other…. hold u tight in arms, unhook ur bra, pull panty down, massaging your love hole, ur moans of pleasure, I take u to different world, making u die with every passing second, put my * inches tool in heaven of lustre’s deep, play with ur clitoris, kissing u all over I massaging your body gently… on the feet…on the legs…on your smooth thighs…approaching your precious honey pot… lick ur pussy and squeeeez boobs with my sweet nectar….squeeze all ur juice out...suck ur lips so much that they bleed....then taking you in my arms may be on the sea water….lying on the water… u spread your body for me to lick u all over…. U holding my masculine body in u…. kissing me… I holding on your lips... loving u … u pulling me in… pleasure in heaven….i lick your boobs and in return u open your legs for me to come in u… Accepting my body in u …u licking me all over….rythemicattly u go up and I go down in you… then u down and I up…..what a pleasure u giving me ….what a heaven I am into….…. I wish we live together for few days on a sea beach - All Nude & Naughty; Hot & Hungry; for sex & s**k, to love each other like in “Blue Lagoon”. O!!!! What a fantasy will it be!!!! All Nude as we will be, you & I cook foods…… wash cloths in water……. chase each other on the beach…., lay on the beach for sun bath…..sleep under the moon….. you holding my fleshy meat…… & kissing my hairy chest…. I snoring “love” in your ears….holding & squeezing your boobs….. Playing with your silky smooth legs…..sucking your honey pot dry….. You moaning and I moaning …. You on me and I on you….. Oh plz……. I want to lick your honey pot dry. Want to roll my tongue in it. Your one hand on my head pushing it in & other on your boobs pushing it hard. Your one leg up in the air and the other spread, you moaning moaning & moaning for my tongue for more more & more.

How about U?

add me in gmaildotcom (petersam24 and we can chat online. if interested
Culoarea părului
163-170 cm
Interese comune
Socializare pentru afaceri, Drumeții, Gătit, Ieșiri la restaurant, Grădinărit/Amenajări, Cluburi de noapte/Dans, Activități sportive
Limbi străine
Engleză, Hindi
E aici pentru
Sex fără obligații, Întâlniri, Prietenie, Distracție online, Conținut produs de amatori
Interese sexuale
Sex în doi, Sex în grup, Sex în trei

pradeep57 caută

femeie, cuplu