Tipul corpului
Zvelt, Normal, Atletic, Câteva kilograme în plus
Deloc, Rar, La ocazii, Deseori, Foarte des, Încerc să mă las, M-am lăsat
Liceu, Ceva facultate, Îmi continui studiile, Studii superioare, Diplomă de licență, Diplomă de master, Doctorat/Studii post-doctorale, Școala vieții
Origine etnică
Albă / Caucaziană, Hispanică, Latino-americană, Mediteraneană, Orientul Mijlociu, Combinație
Culoarea ochilor
Negri, Albaștri, Căprui, Verzi, Gri
Despre persoana potrivită
I prefer women, transgender people, crossdressers
and also couples where the woman is active.
Although age is just a number, my preference up to 35 years,
if you are older it is no problem, everyone is welcome,
although the eye also wants something of course.
What I would like or am looking for is a woman,
transgender or crossdresser who:
- Have the possibility where I can change my clothes
- Can help with my makeup or want to apply makeup to me
- Wants to go shopping, go to the cinema or go out to a bar or club.
- Want to have a drink or have dinner in a restaurant
- Can help me get in shape to get a more feminine body
- Would like to visit a museum or some Kamasutra fair
- Would like to do another "less boring" activity
But I also want to meet someone for:
- Kinky sex
- BDSM in general - I am both submissive and Dominant
- Bondages - both receiving and apply to
- Exhibitionism / outdoor sex
- To service as a lust sub - where I
will be both f0rced as voluntary be a sex object.
Culoarea părului
Castaniu, Negru, Blond, Șaten, Șaten deschis, Roșcat, Alb/cărunt, Alta
140 cm sau mai puțin, 142-150 cm, 152-160 cm, 163-170 cm, 173-180 cm, 183-190 cm, 193 cm și peste
10.000$ sau mai puțin, 10.000-30.000$, 30.000-50.000$, 50.000-70.000$, 70.000-100.000$, 100.000-150.000$, 150.000-500.000$, Ok, am avere MARE
Adventism, Agnosticism, Ateism, Baptism, Budism, Cao Dai, Creștinism catolic, Creștinism, Hinduism, Jainism, Iudaism, Metodism, Mormonism, Islam, Creștinism ortodox, Penticostalism, Protestantism, Quakerism, Scientologie, Șintoism, Sikhism, Spiritual(ă), Taoism, Wicca, Păgânism, Alta
Deloc, Rar, La ocazii, Deseori, Foarte des, Încerc să mă las, M-am lăsat