Tipul corpului
Zvelt, Normal, Atletic, Câteva kilograme în plus, Mare și frumos
Deloc, Rar, La ocazii, Deseori, Foarte des, Încerc să mă las, M-am lăsat
Liceu, Ceva facultate, Îmi continui studiile, Studii superioare, Diplomă de licență, Diplomă de master, Doctorat/Studii post-doctorale, Școala vieții
Origine etnică
Africană, Afro-americană, Asiatică, Albă / Caucaziană, Indiile de Est, Hispanică, Indiană, Latino-americană, Mediteraneană, Orientul Mijlociu, Combinație
Culoarea ochilor
Albaștri, Căprui, Verzi
Despre persoana potrivită
I want my match,to have similar or want the same Interests as me,someone who is looking for a boyfriend,someone who Wants to have sex with me,unprotected,and someone who will meet me in person,and someone is is Hott,and sexy and everything,and someone who is very experienced in sex,and someone who is Real,and someone who will only have Sex with me only,and noone else ever,and someone who wants the same things in life as me or Simular,someone who doesn't care if i cum inside of them,someone who hates condoms,and loves the real thing,and someone who doesn't like them pulling out during sex,when they are about to cum,someone who is not into games,Cheating,and etc.someone who is understanding and honest and loyal like me. if your the one for me,please leave me a message on here or leave me a message on Yahoo,Here is my Number: (859(539-1398,that is another way you can reach me,just call me,if i don't pick up,that means im busy,and i will call u back so u can leave any type of text message or voice message,i do not get offended,and i want my match to never get offended.
there is someone out there for everyone,I want my match to want me only,and only me,and have a life together forever,please call me or write me back on yahoo and on here if your the one for me,and text me and leave a voice message,you can call me anytime you want to.
Culoarea părului
Castaniu, Blond, Șaten, Șaten deschis, Alta
140 cm sau mai puțin, 142-150 cm, 152-160 cm, 163-170 cm, 173-180 cm, 183-190 cm, 193 cm și peste
10.000$ sau mai puțin, 10.000-30.000$, 30.000-50.000$, 50.000-70.000$, 70.000-100.000$, 100.000-150.000$, 150.000-500.000$, Ok, am avere MARE
Adventism, Agnosticism, Ateism, Baptism, Budism, Cao Dai, Creștinism catolic, Creștinism, Hinduism, Jainism, Iudaism, Metodism, Mormonism, Islam, Creștinism ortodox, Penticostalism, Protestantism, Quakerism, Scientologie, Șintoism, Sikhism, Spiritual(ă), Taoism, Wicca, Păgânism, Alta
Deloc, Rar, La ocazii, Deseori, Foarte des, Încerc să mă las, M-am lăsat