Blogul lui lilLuv13



Slippery when wet🙉🙊🙈

Up all night. First in a while. Was missed yet not remissed, left adrift. Thought or two twist a twist. A fingers kissed then sent in bliss to her kitty to frisk with. Wet outside, as well as in here. The music plays as the day does the same. Tame...slowly the introduction. A pov production ..ok...lasting long,long ,longer than many ., Uncanny yet ordinary wishing for your fingers to bury in no hurry ..a lick would be nice, esp twice. I imagine this is so. Slowly still. Twirl n a twirl. a toy begins to sound in, a grin to join in? Play ispy as I am live? Kitty play as go bout my day for a bit...avoiding a hit to set of the clitty just yet. Foreplay a forte indulgently the scene. A grin again as envisions evade. I escape to make haste to a place with more then just my face n orgasmic Chase with each other. Taking note of the grin of another with the mindset only to please one or as allowed as moans sound, n getting loud. On a cloud. How do you see fit to picture it now? Curiously I wonder. A wanting wanted a long time now, to meet n treat n feet n beats ..fuckin heat, repeat...shi. wanting ...rubbing. luvin looking to luv, explore while teachin some of sum tho I barely know much of nothin'. Rubbing n touchin'. Want sum good luvin n fuckin'. ...say sumthing?!❤️🎶¹³°

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