Blogul lui dream4luv



the apocalysis of the end

It is sure that the world we live in today is about to End, for we are in the last last day. The coming of Christ is a mystery or neither is it a theory for it real. Many people are saying that if the world is to come to an end that it would have been so, so they say in their heart that the world can not come to end. it is only the foolish that will say that there is no God anywhere, and when that is determine in their heart; then it is said that the word of God is not true. Even as the bible say that God has establish the earth forever forgetting that the world was destroyed also in the days of Noah, for the people were drinking, they merry, giving out marriage until the flood came and carry the unbeliever away. It's a pity to know if you are among those kinds of people, you better run to Jesus and tell him you are sorry.

Point will be proven to you and to give more insight of what is going on in the past day and what will happen in the middle and latter days, for we know not the time Jesus Christ will come. But the truth will be known to you, for I did research on the bible and also on internet and God almighty gave me the power and the strength to put this book in order so that those with understand can read, to know that God purpose to destroy sinners in hell fire is real.

We are going to discuss on so many topics to topics, first of all let's go into the topic of worship. We all know that God Almighty love his people to worship him in truth and in spirit because that is the only way you can please God and through faith things begin to manifest himself. The devil has his own way of manipulating the truth into lies but I tell you today that the truth of worship will be revealed to you as we go on. You could remember how the devil said in his heart according to the saying of the prophet Isaiah, “he said in his heart THAT he will ASCEND into the throne to become the MOST HIGH” continuing, he also said that “He WILL RULE over all the congregations and above the stars of heaven” if you look closely the bolded letter written, you will understand that it is a notion or motive of the devil to be worship by the host of heaven, stars and even the earth. But God did not allow him to prevailed because the Holiness of God to too powerful for him to stand. How terrible he lost his place in the heaven, he has lost it forever. But the devil has not stop manipulating people to worship him directly or indirectly. God has given man the power to choose from LIGHT to DARKNESS or BLESSING to CURSE.

Or have you forgotten that he created man little lower than the angels but has crowned him with glory and power making hi the rulers of everything he created with his own hands, for when he created man, there was no conscience at all that was why God gave the instruction not to eat of the forbidding fruit. To me I am very sure that the fruit that God said Adam should not eat wasn't a bad fruit but just to make man choose free willing to Disobey or to Obey, to choose light or darkness just as stated earlier. The devil using their own free power against them, turning himself to be the other conscience of man today. If Adam had a conscience, he should have apologized to God even after he has eaten the forbidding fruit but he didn't, only just for him to complain. For choosing to disobey God means that he has worship the devil for the devil is a liar, no wonder the bible says the will of your father the devil shall ye do, for he is liar, thief, destroyer.


(Sabbath Worship)

What is it about the Sabbath Commandment that meets with so much opposition? And why are there tens of thousands of Churches that do observe the Seventh day Sabbath? Did you know that there are now more than five hundred different denominations of Sabbath keeping Churches that observe the Seventh Day Sabbath? America held their third Ten Commandments Commission day in 2008, and because of this yearly event, many Churches started doing studies on the Ten Commandments between the first and second Ten Commandment days, which resulted in another one hundred different denominations switching back to the Seventh Day Sabbath. What did they find that made them change from Sunday back to the Seventh day Sabbath? There are literally hundreds of excuses you can choose from as to why the Seventh Day Sabbath is no longer relevant - or is it? Read on for the real historical truth on the Saturday Sabbath to Sunday change.

In the Bible we find that there are over 40 verses from Paul alone as to why circumcision is not done anymore. How important are the Ten Commandments in comparison to circumcision? If Paul says that the Ten Commandments are what matters and Circumcision is nothing, and we have more than forty verses and up to ten verses at a time explaining that Circumcision of the flesh is not relevant anymore, then how many scriptures should we expect to have telling us that the Sabbath is changed to Sunday?

1 Corinthians 7:19 “Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the Commandments of God.”

The fact of the matter is that there is not one scripture that says, “The Sabbath is now Sunday.” After all, the Ten Commandments are the ONLY thing that God spoke in such incredible fiery majesty, thundering His voice from the mountain top as everyone below trembled in fear and then personally wrote this magnificent law into stone tablets, yet there is not one clear scripture. Just assumptions! One of God's Commandments supposedly goes and we do not have even ONE clear scripture. Why not? The answer is simple. It was never changed to Sunday by the authority of God so no such scripture exists. It was actually changed as a result of SUN worship, hence the name SUN-day. The English names for the days of the week are pagan names. In over one hundred other languages in the world, Saturday is still called the Sabbath just as it was named at creation. This dates right back to Babel in Genesis 11 where Saturday was recognized as the Sabbath day and was incorporated into the very name of the day. This predates Judaism and the giving of the law. The following is the origin of the pagan names in day order.

Symbol of the Sun1. Sunday - Dies Solis (Latin) which means “day of the sun” from which we get Sunday. Sun worship was marked by the use of the halo, or nimbus, which originated with the pagan Greeks and Romans to represent their sun god, Helios. It was later on that artists then adopted it for use in Christian images.

The halo is actually the sun behind the person's head, as shown in the illustration. It's easy to recognize once one realizes what it is, although it's also often stylized to make it less obvious. Originally a very devious way of mixing idolatrous sun worship with Christianity by converts who were not all that converted, and as a result the pagan halo became a very misleading tradition in Christian art.

  1. Monday - Dies lunae (from which comes the word lunar), means moon day, from which we get the shortened version, Monday.

  2. Tuesday - Dies Martis, means mars day, after Mars, the Roman god of war. The day was known to the pagan Germans after their own god of war, Tiw (pronounced too) as Tiw's (pronounced tooz) day, from which we get Tuesday.

  3. Wednesday - Dies mercuri, means mercury day. Woden (pronounced woe-den) was the Germanic version of the pagan god mercury, and they named the day Woden's day, from which we get Wednesday.

  4. Thursday - Dies Jovis means Jove's day, or Jupiter's day. Thor was the Germanic version of the god Jupiter, so they called the day Thor's Day, from which we got Thursday.

  5. Friday - Dies Veneris means Venus Day. The Germanic version of this female god was Frigg, or Freyja (pronounced fry-yah), so they called the day Freyja day, from which we got Friday.

  6. Saturday - Dies Saturni means Saturn day, from which came Saturday. The pagans also observed their Saturnalia festival in the last week of December, a time when work ceased, gifts were exchanged, … feasted with their masters.

NOTE: Select the sister site who changed the Sabbath to Sunday for all the remaining information provided here as well as how Sunday worship actually began 2000 years B.C. and the real origin of 666 and how it is related. Alternatively continue with this document for the short version.


In the ancient world, 'sun worship' was one of the most common forms of pagan idolatry. Immediately after Israel left Egypt, God warned His people against being “driven to worship ... the sun.” Deuteronomy 4:19. Yet Israel later yielded to temptation, compromised with the nations around them, and dedicated their “horses ... to the sun.” 2 Kings 23:11. During a time of revival, King Josiah purged much of Israel and “burned the chariots of the sun with fire.” 2 Kings 23:11. Before the Babylonian captivity, many Israelite leaders rejected their Creator, yielded again to idolatry, and “worshipped the sun toward the east.” Ezekiel 8:16. At the same time, God declared that they “hid their eyes from My Sabbaths.” Ezekiel 22:26. Thus ancient Israel shifted from Sabbath keeping to sun worship. In 1 Corinthians 10:1-11, Paul warned the Church against repeating the sins of ancient Israel.

Sun worship, “the day of the sun,” and “Sunday”

The Romans called the sun god “Mithra” and “Apollo,” and they especially worshiped the sun on “the first day of the week,” also called “Dies Solis” (Latin), which means, “day of the sun.” The name “Sunday” was adopted “because this day was anciently dedicated to the sun, or to its worship. The first day of the week.” Webster's Dictionary; 1929 edition.

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