Feminino (46) de Providence, Utah está procurando por homem.

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Sobre EbonyLyfe

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Coroas de Bronze, Prata e Ouro

As coroas nos perfis dos usuários reflectem a sua reputação e comportamento na plataforma. São ganhos de forma natural através da sua subscrição activa, contribuição em blogues, comentários, estados e fotos; assim como os pontos de reputação são atribuídos ou descontados em resposta à interação de outros usuários com o seu perfil e conteúdo.

Você pode evitar ter uma reputação arruinada ao interagir com outros usuários de maneira educada e respeitosa, usando o seu perfil de forma honesta e tendo a certeza que você não quebra nenhuma das regras de conduta do site.

Tipo de corpo
Afro Americano
Sobre mim
I am a generally happy person, I always try to be positive.
I believe kindness to yourself and others is very important.So is a sense of humor.

Being active and having great personal image are things that are important to me.

You should be the type of guy who your friends and family and boss can count on.
Someone who prides themselves in looking nice and feeling good.
Someone who likes to try new things and will encourage me to do so too!!
Someone who is funny and a little bit weird but in the normal way.

Something that is important to me is finding someone with a good family life, good up-bringing... good morals and values, that type of thing.
I'm not interested in people who are negative or mean. Hard partiers, jealous, insecure or controlling people also are not for me.
Someone who is comfortable in their own skin and likes to do things together, as well as understand space is hugely important in relationships.

I'm not entirely sold on this online dating thing... I'd really like to take things slow... to maybe think of it more as meeting new people I might not meet otherwise and if it turns out to be something more then that's awesome, if not then hopefully I can have a new friend.

I once read somewhere:

“Some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order to gain something. They’re trying to find someone who’s going to make them feel good. In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give, and not a place that you go to take.” -- Anthony Robbins

"Knowing how to love without being needy, and even though it may sound quite frightening, it’s not, for you want to be in a relationship with somebody who is aware of the fact that they are already whole and complete and they don’t need another human being in order for them to feel this way. Can you imagine all the pressure you put on your partner the moment you say that it’s their job to make you happy, and it’s their job to complete you? " -- Unknown

Oh and also; I am probably the proudest aunty in the world to the most adorable 1 year old girl.

Not sure what else so say... so please ask.
Neste site para
Amigos, Amor
Interesses sexuais
sexo com uma pessoa, Sexo por telefone, Troca de fotos e e-mails, sexo de trio

EbonyLyfe está procurando por

Tipo de corpo
Bombado, Tenho uns quilinhos extra
, Às vezes
Ensino Medio, Mestrado
Africano, Branco, Indiano, Latino, Mestiço
Cor dos olhos
Verdes, Cinzas
Sobre minha correspondência
I'm not really sure what I'm looking for, but one big requirement is that he is a great kisser. Life is too short to compromise in this area. I enjoy the companionship that I feel while I'm with
a guy, whether cuddling on the sofa with the radio on, browsing through a thrift store looking for unique treasures, or driving down the highway, with the wind in my hair. I am a hopeless romantic, and enjoy showing appreciation of my partner through a gentle touch...
Cor do cabelo
Careca, Loiro, Branco/Grisalho
entre 1.51 e 1.60 metros, mais que 1.91 metros
Entre R$100.000 e R$150.000, Entre R$150.000 e R$500.000
Católico, Cristão
, Ortodoxo, Espiritualista, Outro
Estou procurando por