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Travelling on the 21st from the north east to Ipswich. Anybody onm them route want a good muffing?
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Shaved Pussy

The girl in the photo looks like ‘Double’ who was wearing a mask (previous blog) but it isn’t Double.

Let’s just call this girl Sue, which isn’t her name. I met Sue more than three and a half years ago, when a Chinese teacher asked me if 3 students could visit me to speak in English? Sue was one of the three. At that time she was in her first week of her 2nd year at university.

To date, I am in another university in the same city and Sue has been a weekend visitor for more than 3 years. As I write, in England, she is living in my apartment in China as she literally has nowhere to go and no family. I’ve helped her financially for three years and paid for her to visit England twice.

But, back then when she first came to my apartment with her two friends it was obvious she wanted to return. Life can be very difficult for some students, particularly those who are on their own in the world.

Sue did return of course. She told me she wasn’t a virgin, having been screwed twice a year earlier and ‘he hurt me’. Sue started off by visiting me mid week and on a Saturday evening, when she would spend the night in my apartment.

Photo: Early days at the beginning, three and a half years ago


Sue at a city-business Christmas party:


I think we all agree a shaved pussy is better for muff-diving:


Now this may sound like a ‘story’ but it’s true. Everything you read, and all the photos you see here are genuine and true.

At the time Sue was visiting me in my apartment on her university I was also talking to a first year student regularly on QQ (Chinese chat). The first year student is called Mandy, who was a big, heavily built girl. The webcam was often used when talking to Mandy. Nothing about sex – just general talk.

One afternoon I had been talking online with Mandy when Sue came along as per our agreement .. I completely forgot about the computer which had the screensaver running/QQ/webcam. Mandy had watched me and Sue on the bed..

It wasn’t until a few days later that Mandy told me what she had seen. Then Mandy said she was sure she ‘could do a blowjob’. She’d been screwed 5 times by a previous boyfriend and apart from being spread on a bed and ‘wham-bam thank you, ma’am’ that was it.

Mandy did visit me twice for full sex and two-way oral. She was a bit unhappy about the situation and didn’t want to return in case of meeting Sue/coming in or out. I gave Craig’s QQ number to Mandy and left it at that.

For 6 months at weekends Mandy travelled to the city where Craig teaches. He paid all travelling costs, naturally. Mandy no longer goes to visit him but they’re still friends in regular contact.

Sue? She likes a fuck at lunchtime or afternoon, and oral sex at night (local custom..). My apartment is full of clothes belonging to her … she has gone from zero to hero. She’s now doing a master’s course.

And if anybody read the previous blog about Double … yes .. she’s now in Craig’s apartment in Jinan.

Does anybody want to visit China and fuck with me/Andrew/Craig? ^_^

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Bored with fuckbook. It seems to be a complete and utter waste of time.
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Double and a Threesome

About a year ago I received a QQ (Chinese chat) contact request from a complete stranger. There's nothing unusual about that – 230 million Chinese use QQ. It allows you to search by age, gender, language and location. Quite a useful program which you can get from

The contact request was from a 28 year old female whose online name translated into English as 'ouble'. Double worked in a supermarket and simply, she wanted some money to buy new clothes. She was offering sex in return for a bit of cash. No, she wasn't a … If you understand the life some people have .. well .. you understand people.

I accepted. Double is a slim, friendly girl who is very relaxed about things. Shortly after, I gave her Andrew's QQ number (previous blog). For a year now Double has been a weekly visitor to Andrew's apartment. She goes there as a friend and he helps her out with a bit of money now and then.

The photo below is of Double wearing a party mask on her 2nd visit to me. I did have a photo of her wearing that mask while she gave me a blowjob, but can I find that damn photo?


I guess it was about 8 months ago when Craig, the American teacher in another city sent me a QQ message to say he was 'pussyless'. He works long hours teaching and doesn't get much opportunity to meet socially minded girls. I gave Double Craig's QQ number..

The upshot was that I found myself travelling to Jinan with Double. A threesome in Craig's apartment. But it was a quick visit – 2 hours to get there – an hour in his apartment – and then a return train to Weifang. Double is a very relaxed and pleasant girl indeed. Sorry, no other photos of Double..

As I write – January 15 2014 – Double will be travelling tomorrow to visit Craig. He'll pay all the travel costs plus expenses of course. March, when I'm back in China, I'll be going to Craig's with Double for another threesome. I'm not particularly into threesomes, but I suppose it's a 'day out'.

Just a general photo of Craig:




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Qufu and Jane

Qufu is a small city - more of a town really - in Shandong province. And, as the locals continually tell you, it's the birthplace of Kong Zi. That's Confucius to you and I ... Qufu is also where I was teaching. My apartment was in the centre and the university was a 15 minute car ride out into the countryside.

Qufu was also the place that Claire first came to visit me (previous blog). I still remember the first time Claire was 'fingered' on my bed. She bucked and rolled around so much that she almost broke my damn wrist. I really had to tell her that she should open her legs instead of clamping them around my wrist .. and don't throw yourself around so much ..

Claire went on to become a very accomplished blowjob artiste, and I did meet up with her in other locations over the next 3 years.

That's the time when I first began using QQ (Chinese chat). It seems as though everybody in China has QQ on their computer or mobile phone. Certainly all the students use it.

One of my students - Jane - contacted me. Usually students would ask questions about English, or general chat. As can be seen from the photos Jane had other things on her mind. The photos are copied from what she was showing me on her webcam:



Jane was 20, had a boyfriend and was more than familiar with a hard dick, but in that particular conversation she mentioned that she'd never given a blowjob and nobody had ever had her pussy on their tongue. We came to an agreement ...

I paid her taxi fares and about twice a week Jane came through to my apartment, did what she was good at, and disappeared back to her university. Nobody was any the wiser.

Curiously enough, after giving me a blowjob she got in contact to say she'd then used her new skills on her boyfriend. But he couldn't shoot .. All I could say was it wasn't her fault ... she sure made me shoot with a blowjob.

A change of location for me brought things with Jane to an end. We're still in contact and bless her, she once visited Craig to enjoy herself.

Strangely - and this is true - 1 week before I left Qufu a 17 year old high school girl got in touch with me via QQ. I'm damned if I can remember her name. She wasn't a virgin and yes, she visited me twice for an hour or two. She enjoyed a fuck but, after giving a blowjob she would spit her mouthful of cum onto the bedroom floor and 'smear it away' with her shoe. Must have been a local custom ..

There's other stories but as I don't have the photos to back them up is it worth blogging them?

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The photos are of Rose. About 6 years ago, I guess.



Rose was studying English at a university where I was teaching (same uni that Cassidy came to visit..). At the time, Craig the American was teaching at the same university.

Rose was a first year student, just a month from her 18th birthday. She was way in advance of students three years older than her. A very intelligent girl who could be 'volatile' to say the least.

Rose obviously wanted 'something' and that something of course was 'experience' though she said she wanted to remain a virgin until she married.

That's my bed -or was - in my university apartment. Rose would visit me to receive and give oral sex. Then she would shower and go to visit Craig in his nearby apartment for a second helping. A very realistic girl but unfortunately, a bit volatile.

Rose's visits to my room tailed off and came to an end. At the same time as Rose there was a a 40 year old New Zealand teacher at the university - Jennie, who more or less guessed why Rose visited me and decided she could do better. The photo below is Jennie - front right


Jennie went back home a long time ago of course but we still exchange the occasional email. Things came to an end between Craig and Rose when, in a fit of temper, she broke all the windows in his apartment. Craig, like me, later moved on to other places. Rose graduated 4 years later. I did see Rose again in later years, and she kept in touch with me and Craig for a long time.

At the same time there was a student called Claire who often spoke with me on QQ. To be honest, I had so many students and the name meant nothing to me. That's how it is, really. 18 months later Claire -online - asked me if i had done 'something' with a student? I just told her the truth of the situation.

Claire wanted to visit me .. and like Rose, wanted to remain a virgin. Oral sex was ok .. The photo below is Claire.


Years later, I'm still in touch with Claire, who is now a teacher at a primary school


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After the Threesome

Peony visited Craig a few times after the threesome. Because I work in a different city 2 hours train ride away I couldn't get there again. However, peony gave Craig's QQ (Chinese chat) to a work colleague of hers - a 41 year old married woman called Jia.

Jia visited Craig a couple of times in his apartment for oral sex. Like I keep saying, oral sex is popular with Chinese girls because in general the males are are too lazy and selfish to bother. That's absolutely true. Then Craig sent me a message to say that he'd given my QQ number to Jia, who would soon be visiting the city where I was teaching.

Jia contacted via QQ and I did meet her in her hotel room. Honest, I spent ages going down on her - that's what she wanted. And I couldn't believe it .. after going down on her for ages she wouldn't give me a blowjob or a fuck. Her reasoning was that she was married and she didn't want to do anything with any male other than her husband. It was ok for somebody to go down on her ... but give something in return? No...

It may sound like 'sex stories' but I assure you it's all true. Jia gave my QQ number to a local 52 year old married woman. I've forgotten that woman's name, but she did visit me twice in my apartment. To be honest, I didn't like her personality very much and after the 2nd time I never replied to her QQ messages

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