Blog do(a) SraLanta



Yellow breeches and the lucky horses.

The New Year's cabal heralds a better season for some, so not even the pandemic, we suppose, will again get in the way of attracting the best vibes in 2022.

You probably know of various rituals that promise to attract fortune and start the coming year on the right foot. For example, eat 12 … at midnight, leave the house with a suitcase and go around the block with it and, the one that is never missing, wear underwear of a certain color.

According to the belief, certain colors guarantee the attraction of positive energies for the 12 months of the year, although their effectiveness is subject to the goals you may set for yourself.

Whether they are real or not depends on who you ask, but it never hurts to try. Depending on your objective, at we show you what each color means

Red: Red underwear is said to help attract love and passion. People believe that by using it they will get a partner or, if they are in a relationship, it will become stronger and more stable, since it promotes the action of conquest.

Yellow:The most popular color during these dates is yellow. According to beliefs, wearing underwear of this color helps to attract prosperity, money and abundance. Some go so far as to recommend that, using this color, putting the pants backwards serves for greater effectiveness.

White: Popularly the color white symbolizes peace and innocence. It is believed that wearing this color to ring in the New Year supports vital energy and helps make thoughts much clearer in order to receive the year 2022 on the right foot.

Black: This color draws everyone's attention as it is considered an incentive that awakens the sexuality and elegance of the person. It is said that by wearing black on New Years you will attract luxury and power. Do you dare to use it?

Green: This color represents hope, protection and youth. It is believed that wearing this color attracts good luck and energy, which generates a relaxing and protective effect. Use it if one of your goals in 2022 is to have success and good energy.

Blue: It is a color that is related to rationality and balance. Wearing blue underwear is believed to help achieve projects and promote bonding.

I looked for a photograph where I could wear some nice yellow panties, I think you will like this one ... I did not receive it this year with sexy yellow panties, I did it with another color ... in a previous blog I related them ... in You will find my profile ... happy new year ... may all your spicy wishes come true ...


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