ThunderofokBrian Cross

Mężczyzna (56) z Miami, Oklahoma szuka kobiety.

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I'm moon driven sexually. And last night was the Super-Moon... To bad no woman was around.
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Still looking here... but so far nothing. Hope all is well everyone...
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And so the thunder rolls... But not in my bed tonight. Too quiet. Goodnight all.
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If you're a woman who loves thunderstorms, let's make some in bed soon! Muah!
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Rainy days and stormy times make me a romantic, intimate man. Any woman ready?
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It has been 1 year 4 months sense I've made love. Too long to be on a shelf.
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Significant blizzard possible here in KS, OK, TX. Yes even here I love storms! .
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We all have the power to love... And I have that power reserved... It can be yours.
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Just waiting for a satisfying time... Still wishful thinking LOL... New photos!
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Komentarz został pomyślnie opublikowany.