
Mężczyzna (68) z Brisbane Airport, Australia szuka kobiety.

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Icebreaker pomaga kontaktować się z nowymi członkami, którzy mnie interesują.

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Who wants one?

For a website called "Fuckbook" no one seems to be doing any fucking. Or maybe there is a lot of fucking going on and I am just too unfortunate to be a part of it all. In any case ladies, if you want a liaison of really orgasmic value hit me up and arrange to meet. I am sure that my truncheon can satisfy, and my tongue can liquify your sensitive nubbin...go for it

Komentarz został pomyślnie opublikowany.
Hey Ladies, I am just wondering. I was friended by a number of women at the very beginning with suggestive questions, and then after I responded. Nothing! It is just a bunch of horny blokes on here?
Komentarz został pomyślnie opublikowany.
Just discovered this site, and I am giving this a go to see what I can see, I'm not real hopeful, but we shall see.
Komentarz został pomyślnie opublikowany.