
Mężczyzna (39) z Geenville, South Carolina szuka kobiety.

Nie używam Icebreaker, aby połączyć się z ludźmi.

Icebreaker pomaga kontaktować się z nowymi członkami, którzy mnie interesują.

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Anyone local women fancy some clitoral stimulation tonight. I'm fucking ridiculous and horny. Possibly a little desperate 😅
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Day in the life

My first day off in several weeks. Beautiful day, sunny outside. I went to the Park and found a field that was empty of people and elevated so I could see everything around me. The grass was very tall so it was pretty undercover. So I got naked, then I got high, then I masterbated. The low flying planes were the only ones who got a show. It was very freeing. Would have liked to have had a partner in crime, but it was plenty exciting alone. I got sunburned, net time sunscreen is a must


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So a lot of beautiful woman are messaging me but I can't write back unless I get premium, haven't had a chance yet
Komentarz został pomyślnie opublikowany.