user65932559Taki już jestem

male (41) from Coventry, United Kingdom looking for female, couple.

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user65932559Taki już jestem pinned content by sandrady
  • moazzawy7750: So beautiful 
  • cartoxIcan96: Giz a bite.  PWEEEEEAAAASE. vewy VEWY nice lady hat mwates my twail go awl tingwally an biggererer.."giggles" It fweels stwange but i am like it whenerere even i see wou "hehe"...!   pmslol..    WRitten by...  Me having a moment of clarity...  (or was that th.........??. never mind..) yes i'm one of the funny 1's, exept i dont mean or try to be..  most likely the reasoning behind me not having a sexual anything for a hard "work solo" several years.. ...hewelp miss nice wladdy that makes my tuumy tikkwle fwunny... "giggle"
  • joker13796: Wow 
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