male (50) from Batesville, Arkansas looking for female.
Icebreaker helps with contacting the new members that I'm interested in.
Little Johnny
Little Johnny is 4 years old. He is walking to the store with his daddy. The come across 2 dogs tied. "addy, ask Johnny, what are those dogs doing?" Daddy responds, "Well son they are making puppies."
Johhny thinks for a minute. "Ok daddy"
A few days later Johnny's parents are in the bed room having fun and Johnny sneaks into their bed room and watchs from the foot of the bed for a few minutes.
"Mommy Daddy what are you all doing ?" Johnny asked. Johnny's parents fall over their words trying to come up with something clean to tell their 4 year old son.
"We...... We are trying to make you a little brother or sister Johnny." replies Daddy.
Johnny doesn't miss a beat "addy role her over I want PUPPIES!"