male (43) from Nambour, Australia looking for female.
Icebreaker helps with contacting the new members that I'm interested in.
i hate authority
don't you hate when you are having a nice quiet relaxing time having sex or anything then KNOCK … always seems to happen at the most crucial timesin your life.
Before I left Melbourne my friends were saying goodbye when … and practically arrested everyone. It was frustrating then when I was about to catch the train I was puled up twice … no reason other than I had a Mohawk.
Anyway my authority problem was dealt with when I got to queensland. Two girls, lots of chocolate and caramal syrup and some toys hehe...
Friday was my birthday and I wasn't home apparently ASIO Australia's spy organisation came around because I had been allegedly sending threatening e-nails or something perhaps its my Facbok account I don't know could pose a problem. anyway.
seX is wesome
well I have never had anyexperience from this website but I like sex in all different positios. my friends say I amvery Karma sutra.
I enoy lollies and chocolates while having sex. I enjoy hardcoreor just soft coreifits too hardcore for you.
it seems that their are ots of people to be your friend but I don't have any pics yet soif yourintrested in some hardcore action with strawberry syrup and jam and cream then give me a buzz...
goodinbed00: havn't been doing much, apparently I had a visit from the federal govenrments spy organisation ASIO could pose a problem with my civil liberties
goodinbed00: time will tell whether that turns out to be an authority problem that can only be healed by someone hardcore oh well